Rickey Smiley’s Son Calls Black Women Unattractive
Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
Sad and disgusting
So why did he lie to his cousin and say he doesn’t dislike black girls? He should go ahead and be a proud c–n. Anyway, I’m not surprised by this kind of stuff nowadays. A lot of these young black males are hopeless. I saw one on Twitter the other day say Kim Kardashian looks better than every black woman out here. They really hate blackness.
Well I don’t find him attractive so I guess we’re even.
His daddy ain’t sh-t either. He’s the same one who sits on Instagram all day reposting those dumb a-s memes about black women. You damn right his son turned out to be a self hating c–n. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.
Sigh…people need to do a better job at raising their kids. They get so caught up in making money that they are quick to put their kids in white washed environments where they learn to hate themselves. That young lady was gorgeous too. I hope she doesn’t watch this and allow it to make her feel bad about herself.
The fact that Rickey even allowed this to be aired makes me side eye him too.
He probably agrees.
Both of his parents failed him.
Does he not understand black women are keeping his father employed? To be honest, whites and latinos aren’t checking for his daddy. People are going to learn to stop biting the hand that feeds them.
He’s securing his future with Fox News
Don’t blame him he is a child like he said he went to an all white school and probably have all white neighbors thats all he knows…if anyone is to blame its Ricky for not teaching him to love and embrace his culture. Unfortunetly he will see one day how white folks really feel about us, but for now he is part of the whose who and being treated differently because of who his father is. Let his dad lose his fortune then he will see exactly how it feels to be a black man in america.
Welp, this is what happens when you remove as much blackness as possible from your kids. He wanted his son at a white school, well here’s the result. Some black people can’t wait to remove their kids from blackness and it shows.
Sh-t he ain’t cute either. He’s just another f-ck boy in training any damn way. Let some other race deal with his mommy and daddy issues.
Self hate is real.
C–ns gonna c–n.