By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Weeks ago it was rumored that Phaedra Parks was fired after it was revealed that she was responsible for the drugging rumors about Kandi Burruss and Todd Tucker.
However, her rep and Andy Cohen denied that any decisions had been made.
Now that the final part of reunion has aired, the rumors are resurfacing and it’s not looking good for Phaedra. However, Bravo is now speaking out.
Click next for the details.
Bravo usually doesn’t send out contacts this early so it’s most likely Kenya and the others sending out these fired
rumors about Phaedra to push Bravo to let her go. If the majority of viewers agree she should be gone, they will do it. Just like NeNe fishing stories about getting 2 mil to come back full time. You use the media to accomplish your objective. Oldest trick in the book,
I don’t believe anyone got a contract yet but the general consensus is no one wants Phaedra back.
Long winded but here are my thoughts. Kandi should sue for defamation of character. Some ask if she is going to sue Porsha and apparently it was a thought to do so being that she thought Porsha was behind the lie. So if you dissect this, Porsha asked Kandi at the restaurant if she said it which she had every right to bring it to Kandi’s attention since her name was involved as the victim. Kandi said no and that is a lie. Actually she called Porsha a lie. Kandi went home called a girl’s meeting and discussed what Porsha and her talked about. In Hawaii Kandi brought it up in front of the crew again and wanted to choke Porsha. Cynthia said that Porsha should have never said a lie like that. Porsha again repeated that I have a right to ask her and she has a right to deny it. Phaedra stood silent when Kandi called on Phaedra to speak for her.
So it turns out that something was said about Porsha and she confronted the person. When she is served a letter to stop talking, she questions Phaedra again and was still the same answer…Kandi told this to me. As we all know at the reunion, It was Phaedra who said it but tries to back pedal stating someone told her because she knows she is the source of the lie and does not want to be sued for defamation. But it is too late because she text Porsha the information so that “somebody told it to me” won’t hold up. Now it was brought up that Kandi begged Bravo not to air that scene and they did it anyway because they wanted the ratings. While I do believe they will be dragged in the court battle, I’m not sure if anything will happen to them. They should share some of the blame as well because the show is a delayed taping. They do edits. My question would be that being that something as serious as that, why didn’t they pull the people involved to talk about the scene and then cut the scene? They didn’t cut it because they wanted the ratings and they did not care how it could hurt Kandi or anyone involved. So as it stands Phaedra doesn’t have a conscious and neither does Andy/Bravo. I’m not team Kandi but I agree with her. That scene should have been cut. Phaedra started the lie, Porsha Told the information to Kandi on camera, the producers did the editing and Andy allowed it to be seen.
So who gets sued? Phaedra for sure. Bravo no but I surely would let them have it. They have to be more responsible as well. They produce a show that it is shown to the masses and it is their responsibility as well to validate accusations of that magnitude before airing.
Great comment.
They sign contracts that they Can’t sue each other on the cast. That’s a standard for reality shows. That’s why she sent out a Cease and Desist instead of a lawsuit.
I think Phaedra is done. I liked her but I don’t know how she comes back from this.
Such a big mess. Phaedra should’ve been smarter.
Who would Phaedra film with anyway?
I agree it hasn’t happened yet but trust Phaedra will not get a contract renewal when they do get sent out.
Hmm Bravo is trying to figure out what to do. Even though I thought the season sucked, the ratings were very good. People were invested in this whole situation. Business wise, Phaedra’s antics kept people watching without Nene. If they don’t bring NeNe back full time, it’s possible they will keep Phaedra and let her continue to be the villain.
That would mean Peter was correct. Phaedra brought in the ratings and because of her fan base, they may keep her. Let her come back and squirm out of it. I am sure people will be viewing.
Oh she will be fired! You can count on it!
It’s just a matter of time though. She really can’t get out of this one. I will say this. Porsha may not be as dumb as people thought.
This would make for a good season to have Phaedra back and Candy having to deal with this situation since they all throw shade with each other, with their lies and back stabbing. The show still needs Phaedra with the Apollo drama and the children going to prison to visit him and his girlfriends outside prison. Also to see them have to deal with Phaedra. I commented about NeNe was the star of the show and they brought her back. the show needs to have Phaedra even though she did make a mistake as they all do. Bring on the drama, drama. Where’s Mr. President and the other child. Phaedra the undertaker and the Candy and Phaedra lawsuit concerning Candy not paying her employees..what a season