By: A.J. Niles
On the latest episode of “Basketball Wives,” the fallout from Evelyn and Jackie’s confrontation continues.
Meanwhile, Tami’s daughter Jazz meets with a record label, learning the fate of her music career.
Lastly, Hazel brings a new friend named Ashley around the OG’s, who has a past with Saniy’yah. The three ladies clash at an event hosted Saniy’yah.
Here is the full recap of, “Episode 12.”
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Ugh Jackie is so damn annoying. Evelyn did not say sh-t about her kids. She said she’s a sh-tty mother and grandmother and that sh-t is true. It’s gross to see her trying to spin this into her being some damn victim when she treats Takari like sh-t.
Amen I’m with you on that she needs to sit her antique butt down somewhere
I don’t think she should have been fired when others including Evelyn have done much worse in the past.
I agree.
Lmao Tami is fake as f-ck. But I guess old drunks have to stick together.
Alliances are being formed.
So you see it too.
Wait she was fired? That’s so weak! I hope they change their minds because she was the most interesting out the new girls.
I’m sorry but last night was the most entertaining the season has been. They need to keep Saniy’yah ?.
Yes they set that girl up you let someone she don’t rick with come to her party and when they were asked to leave she gone say no theyvwere looking for a reason to get rid of her cause anyone can see they set her up
Why does Jackie play victim when she’s the messiest person on the show?
Yeah I was wondering if Jackie was saying she was fired. They ain’t waste no time.
Tami is looking real two faced this season. For her to say she isn’t friends with Evelyn to Jackie is weird. I mean they have been real friendly. Then on top of that, Tami is the one who got the whole beef between Jackie and Evelyn started when she went back and told Jackie that Evelyn said she needs to take care of her grandkids.
I don’t care if she stays or goes.
Tami is very 2 faced, telling crazy Jackie,her and Evelyn aren’t friends.Birds of a feather,flock together.When hazel was getting into a altercation Tami didn’t jump in and try to help.Tami is all mouth.
Tami been on some other sh-t this entire season especially with the Evelyn vs. Jackie drama. One minute she’s in Evelyn’s corner, the next she’s in Jackie’s. And she know damn well Jackie be dead a-s wrong but still side with her due to harboring feelings for Evelyn.