Dr. Heavenly Talks Mariah Huq Beef & Defends Dissing Miss Lucy + Dr. Simone Talks Divorce

While some (including Dr. Heavenly) didn’t believe Dr. Simone would go through with her divorce from Cecil Whitmore, she confirmed that it is really happening during their appearance on “Watch What Happens Live.”

When Andy Cohen asked for an update, here’s what Simone had to say:

Cecil has just not been willing to compromise and sacrifice and as we all know, in marriage it takes a team to make it work. It takes a village.

Simone also confirmed that even though it’s been a hard situation for her, she’s been getting plenty of support from Dr. Jackie and Toya Bush Harris.

Dr. Heavenly was asked about her rocky relationship with Mariah Huq by a caller. When asked if she thinks they could ever be friends, here’s what she had to say:

You know to be honest, I really don’t have a problem with Mariah. I just be playing with her. Honestly. It ain’t that deep with me. Ask her, it could be different. But I’m really not…

Dr. Simone then interjected with the following:

Well, until Heavenly can get a grasp on ‘Yo mama,’ they are never going to be friends until she can stop poking Mariah.

Heavenly responded that she just doesn’t think it’s that deep with Simone telling Heavenly that it’s that deep for Mariah.

Heavenly also claimed that she’s been on the “yo mama” wave since she was young:

It’s something I’ve done since I was a little girl. I say it to you, I say it to Jackie. She’s the only one offended I guess because…I don’t know.

Another caller then called out Heavenly and said she can’t be a good example to her children by bringing up other people’s mothers during confrontations. She strongly disagreed:

I think I set a great example for all my children based on my accolades. However, I’m silly. That’s who I am.

Check out the clips below:

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  1. Heavenly is such an immature woman. How hard is it to understand that certain things should be off limits, like someone’s mother?

  2. I’d love to see how Heavenly would feel if Mariah or someone else kept trashing her mother during conversations. I doubt she’d say it’s not that deep then.

  3. The most annoying thing about this show is the messiest person which is Heavenly doesn’t seem to notice how messy she is. And because Mariah is still the number one target, a lot of them overlook what she does. Simone is only saying something now because Mariah finally put the hypocrisy all the way on blast.

  4. Yo mama is a childish response but by no means would I take it seriously. id laugh that an educated woman can think of anything better than that

  5. Maybe I’m in the minority but I think Heavenly is hilarious. I don’t think she’s as bad as people make her out to be. She keeps me laughing.

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