Watch: Jasmine Defends Crashing Rasheeda’s Trip to Houston

Photo Credit: VH1

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

The current season of “Love and Hp Hop Atlanta” isn’t lacking when it comes to beef and drama.

However, Rasheeda is trying to avoid the drama of having a one on one conversation with Kirk Frost’s baby mama Jasmine Washington.

As fans of the show know, Jasmine got knocked up by Kirk despite him being married to Rasheeda.

Jasmine has been trying to get a face to face conversation with Rasheeda so she can apologize, but it hasn’t been easy to make happen.

So that is why she’s decided to crash Rasheeda’s trip to Houston.

In the preview for the upcoming episode, Jasmine explains her actions.

Click next for the details. 

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    1. She’s Rasheeda’s storyline as well. Let’s keep it 100. And I don’t think that baby is Kirk’s. All 3 of them are lying for a check.

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