‘Insecure’ Recap: Issa Clashes with Daniel + Molly Adjusts to Her New Law Firm

Issa’s in the bed with Daniel.

The episode opens with Issa waking up in Daniel’s bed. She took him up on the offer of sleeping in his bed, platonically.

When they switch pillows, after Issa complains of having a crappy pillow, Daniels sees crumbs in the bed. Issa’s been following her heart, eating in bed.

“I mean, the heart wants what it wants.” – Issa

“What else does it want?” – Daniel

Issa responds in her mind by leaning in and kissing him. This leads to the two having s*x. Shortly after handing her a bag of hot Cheetos, she snaps back to it.

Later on, Issa’s with Molly at a dog spa updating her on what happened between her and Daniel.

It’s the first day on the job for Molly.

Molly’s excited about working at the all-black law firm. Meanwhile, Issa tells her she moved back to the bed. She tells Molly they’re sleeping in the same bed platonically, despite thinking about sleeping with him.

“Then why are you in his bed then?” – Molly

“B****, my neck!” – Issa

Joanne sends Freida and Issa to a job fair.

Later on, Freida and Issa are at a job fair. It appears Joanne took Issa’s advice. They are are out looking for a diverse group of people to hire for We Got Y’all.

Freida sets up a poster that shows random facts of employees already there.

“It’s about time we hire another person of color.” – Issa

“I agree…” – Freida

Molly also heads to her new job at Hayward and Associates, and greets Malcom. Malcom shows her around and introduces her to the other black employees.

He passes Molly off to Taurean and meets her assistant. She’s then brought to her new office. She looks out of her window, smiles and dances out of excitement.

Khalil tries to show Daniel what Spyder likes.

Daniel’s over Khalil’s place playing a new beat. Khalil’s impressed with the beat but he gives him some pointers about what Spyder likes.

He then puts in the suggestions and plays it back for Daniel. Daniel’s ego takes a blow.

Issa possibly sees a new job opportunity.

Back at the job fair, Freida and Issa are talking to potential new employees. Freida’s having a good time talking.

“Are we in the North Pole, ‘cause we are slaying.” – Frieda

When Issa heads to get some food, she comes across The Beat Crew, who brought their own dance crew with a backing band.

She heads to their booth and talks to them. The Beat Crew is a non-profit that introduces kids to things like music. She’s impressed with them but doesn’t fully go on to say she’s looking for a new job.

While talking to them, Freida grabs Issa away because they have a line at their booth.

Molly compares her old firm to the new one.

Back at Molly’s office, Molly is still getting acclimated into her office. She tells her assistant Karen that she needs the I.T. department to install an app on her computer that allows her to make digital signatures.

Karen lets Molly know they don’t use that app, but instead use a courier. This disappoints Molly.

Issa’s offered a new job

Issa meets with the property manager for her interview. He appears ready to hire her and give her a big discount on rent.

Later on at the laundromat, Daniel’s venting about Khalil altering his track in a different way. She also tells Daniel she got a job offer as a property manager, and a new place.

Daniel not only brings up how working 3 jobs could be a lot for Issa, he tells her that he likes her at his place. However, she feels like she’s bumming at his place.

“You’re not bumming. Alright? You’re not bumming. I like you being there. Why don’t we just, you know, try keeping it like it is.” – Daniel

He then jokes about about what she’s going to do if she has to shake someone down for rent.

Molly’s frustrated with how her new firm does things.

At work, Molly’s gets invited to lunch but she’s gonna handle things at her office instead.

Afterwards, she heads back to her office, when boxes get in her way of opening the door.

“I thought these boxes were going into storage.” – Molly

“Your office is the storage.” – Co-Worker

Molly once again brings up another thing her old firm used to do. They mention this new way is convenient for them.

Molly vents her frustrations about the way her new firm does things to Issa and the girls while they’re out for drinks. She’s frustrated and feels like she got a demotion.

“My point is why do black businesses have to be on the struggle?” – Molly

“I’m with her. We all have to do better, we all just can’t leave it up to Chadwick Bosman.” – Tiffany

Molly compares her black law firm to her uncle having a 8,000 square foot home with just a bean bag.

Issa thinks Molly and Tiffany are being too hard on black businesses.

“Tiffany, you like Beyoncé. But did your a** sign up for Tidal?” – Issa

Kelly jokes saying she has a white accountant.

Tiffany slightly changes the subject to how they all have a group chat without her. As they are heading to her table, Issa hits up everyone in the group chat telling them she warned them Tiffany would find out.

Issa’s friends disagree with her about staying with Daniel.

Later on at dinner, Issa tells everyone that she’s really thinking about taking Daniel’s offer of staying longer. Kelly jokes that it’s because she’s having s*x with him.

“See what you don’t understand is we’re not even sleeping together, and we’re getting along great.” – Issa

“It’s Daniel. You and Daniel is always a problem.” – Molly

The girls tell Issa that she shouldn’t go backwards with Daniel.

The next day, Freida and Issa are interviewing candidates. Freida is hitting it off with a black woman but Issa’s distracted.

When Freida leaves, The candidate asks if Issa likes it at We Got Y’all.

“You know, they are how they are.” – Issa

The Candidate then asks how long she’s been working at We Got Y’all and Issa replies, “5 years.” She takes that to think Issa really likes working there. Issa awkwardly smiles.

Next, Issa’s looking at The Beat Crew’s website and comes across a link asking for volunteers.

Molly becomes the butt of a joke at work.

Molly’s in a meeting at work, and she says she’s excited to work on a new endeavor which includes mentoring first-year lawyers.

Malcom’s not at the meeting yet, and Molly makes a joke about black people always being late. Molly’s told that they usually start without him, as he usually has to take a call at that time.

“Maybe at her old firm they started every meeting on time.” – Taurean

Everyone but Molly snickers at the joke and she slides down into the chair.

Khalil and Daniel get tense at the studio in front of Spyder.

At the studio, Khalil daps up Spyder. When he brings up Daniel, Spyder brings up how his boy got shot.

Khalil asks Daniel to play the track for Spyder and he plays the first one he made. When Daniel plays the version Khalil doctored up, Syder can’t decide on what version he likes better.

Khalil side-eyes Daniel for playing the first version, and Daniel catches it.

As Spyder can’t decide what version he likes better, Khalil offers to play another track for him.

Daniel lets his anger out on Issa.

At a restaurant, Daniel seems frustrated. Issa thanks him for everything. She tells him she took the Property Manager job and is moving out. However, Daniel seems cold.

Issa’s able to get out of Daniel that he and Khalil have tension, explaining what happened with his track.

Issa asks why he did that when he knows what Spyder likes, and tells him he should think about apologizing.

“I think its funny you’re giving me career advice.” – Daniel

As Daniel goes on, he begins to cut into Issa deeply regarding her not having a passion.

“It’s like I gotta always save you from some s***.” – Daniel

Later on, they are in bed barely talking. He apologizes for what he said at dinner. Daniel then tries to cuddle with Issa, kissing her arm.

The episode ends with the two kissing in bed, possibly leading to s*x, for real this time. However, it’s doesn’t go very far as she stops him.

“I can’t do this. It just doesn’t feel right.” – Issa

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