Heavenly and Mariah’s feud has been one for the books.
“Married to Medicine” stars Mariah Huq and Dr. Heavenly had a very nasty feud on the show. Things went left between them after Heavenly made it clear she had no problem using Miss Lucy as her preferred clap back to Mariah’s shade. Although Heavenly would eventually apologize for her “yo momma” responses, Miss Lucy wasn’t receptive. And Heavenly would continue to throw the jabs even though she knew it bothered Mariah.
Things would actually worsen after Heavenly said that Mariah insinuated Dr. Aydin Huq has “small stuff.” After Heavenly came for Aydin’s “manhood,” Mariah then came for Dr. Damon Kimes. She accused Damon of cheating on Heavenly.
There was talk of Mariah having receipts, however, Mariah would later refuse to offer proof. Her reasoning was she felt she crossed the line and it would be unethical to reveal anything that could break up a family.
Heavenly’s recent comments about Mariah has a lot of fans talking on social media.
Although Mariah is not expected to be on the upcoming season, Heavenly still had plenty to say about Mariah recently. And some of the comments were very interesting.
While talking to former “Real Housewives of Atlanta” producer Carlos King, she stated that a tracker was found underneath Damon’s car ahead of the reunion. Although Heavenly has no proof Mariah was behind this, she still has her suspicions.
Well, Mariah has now responded to Heavenly’s comments.
Click next for the details.