LAMH Recap: Melody and Martell Clash, Again + Kimmi and LaTisha Make Progress

LAMH Season 6 Episode 9
Photo Credit: OWN

LaTisha and Kimmi hug it out.

The episode begins with the back and forth between Kimmi and Marsau continuing. Kimmi’s fed up and Maurice has to step in on Kimmi’s side as they go back and forth about Jaylin. In her interview, LaTisha says she would’ve fired him if it was anyone else. But back at the pool, she apologizes to Kimmi and LaTisha and Kimmi hug it out.

The night ends with everyone taking shots. In the morning, Kimmi and LaTisha are cooking breakfast. While eating, Kimmi asks everyone if Melody’s coming, and Martell says she isn’t coming. Things get tense when Tiffany refers to Melody as “Baby Mama,” and everyone, including Martell, feels she’s asking about the mistress, referring to her as the baby mama, and he brushes it off. When Tiffany says she was actually referring to Melody as the “baby mama,” Martell says he doesn’t refer to Melody as that.

Melody finally arrives.

Later on, Martell gets more questions from Kimmi about getting back with Melody. This further irritates Martell. Meanwhile, Louis and Tiffany get a call from their kids. They have sons from previous relationships and both say they are in positive co-parenting relationships with their exes. Tiffany feels a type of way because Louis took her son to get his first major haircut but she wasn’t around.

Eventually, LaTisha has everyone ready to explore Las Vegas but before they leave, Melody actually arrives. Everyone but Martell is happy to see her. When Melody asks about her room, everyone jokes about her sharing one with Martell. Interestingly enough, Destiny didn’t make it yet. Before they leave, LaTisha asks her about Martell being on the trip and Melody says LaTisha should’ve told her first.

In her interview, LaTisha says she still feels the Holts will get back together.

They make it on the van and the guys are still teasing Martell about Melody and on the other van, Melody tells the ladies about her music video. Marsau tells Martell he isn’t sure he would be on a trip with his ex-wife. The divorce is the central topic on both vans and Martell and Melody make it clear that they aren’t going to be friends. Martell emphasizes there’s going to be life after divorce. This conversation really sticks with LaTisha and Marsau. In fact, says he and LaTisha could’ve easily divorced multiple times. It’s at this point everyone is ready to arrive at LaTisha’s surprise.

Everyone likes LaTisha’s surprise.

Luckily, they make it to LaTisha’s surprise which is riding in Slingshot motorcycles. Destiny also meets them at the spot where they all will grab their rides. After Martell makes a joke about Melody’s driving, it becomes a sign of things to come. Destiny and Melody ride together while Martell’s by himself struggling to get into the car. Overall, everyone appears tone having a good time.

Unfortunately, that good time won’t last long. 

The whole LAMH crew makes it to a spot in Las Vegas to take in the strip skyline. Firstly, LaTisha pulls Maurice aside, telling him to keep his eye on Marsau. She tells Maurice she’s not trying to roll up on anyone that has the hots for him. This leads Maurice to bring up the therapy session. Maurice tells LaTisha that surprising Marsau with therapy wasn’t the best move with Marsau. While Maurice says LaTisha reaching out for help is good and he’ll talk to Marsau when they get a chance.

Melody and Martell Clash.

Meanwhile, Melody pulls Martell aside and asks them about their kids and Martell calls the video shoot “Bulls***t.” Melody brings up the tension between Martell and her friend Brittany and this leads to an argument and Martell telling Melody to STFU. This argument shocks everybody and Maurice and Destiny try to pull them apart. Things get worse when Melody shows the ladies a clip of the video while Maurice does his best to coach Martell up. Maurice advises Martell to control his temper. However, Martell fails to take the advice.

Things get worse when Martell keeps bringing up the song and how she wrote the song two years prior to now and how the kids were singing the song with her. It’s at this point, Melody gets into the Slingshot and gets ready to leave. It’s at this point Marsau gets in Martell’s ear telling him he can’t argue down Melody. 

The episode ends with Melody driving off.

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