Martell invites LaTisha and Marsau to stop by which irritates Melody.
It’s morning in Destin and Melody flew in a chef for everyone. Chef Anthony Thomas cooked an entire breakfast for the entire family and everyone is impressed. Tank blesses the food and makes his father proud.
During breakfast, everyone talks about their favorite family vacation memories. The kids loved seeing their father in his shorts. Meanwhile, Martell reminisces about their last bike ride together as a family. The bike rides mean a lot to Martell.
The mood of the breakfast changes when Martell lets Melody know LaTisha and Marsau are coming for a visit. The Scotts are vacationing in Pensacola, FL and Martell invited them over. This news irritates Melody to no end. Melody feels Martell should’ve reached out to her first and asked, and feels this is a reminder of the disrespect she dealt with during the marriage.
However, Martell feels this is a good time for everyone to let things go and be cordial.
The Scotts visit Melody, Martell, and their family.
Later on, everyone heads to the beach for some fun in the ocean. During the trip, Martell shows Melody photos from their last vacation in 2019. Melody understands Martell is trying to woo her back and isn’t falling for it.
LaTisha and Marsau join Melody, Martell, and the family later on, and Mel’s cordial with all of them. However, Melody makes it clear she’s irritated with Martell about all of this. Martell takes Melody, LaTisha, and Marsau back to the house.
Back at the house, Marsau immediately notices the awkwardness between Melody and Martell. Meanwhile, LaTisha makes quips about Mel and Martell being back together.
During their conversation, Melody brings up how Martell isn’t interested in having a “village” around to help him raise the kids. She said in her interview it takes away control from him.
Everyone gets along.
They then end up playing a game with LaTisha and Marsau and had a really good time with it. Afterward, Martell and Marsau go off to play pool.
Back in Huntsville, Kimmi’s prepping for a big decision. Kimmi learned from her doctors that a side effect of her cancer treatment is hair loss. She meets with her hair stylist Brionna who’s going to cut her hair. Her friend Andrea stops by to watch Brionna carefully cut. Brionna is going to take Kimmi’s hair to make a wig. When it’s short enough, Maurice cuts her “kitchen” even shorter.
Kimmi reminisces.
During the haircut, Kimmi explains how she met Maurice. Maurice was cutting hair and found him on Facebook through a friend and booked him to cut Jaylin’s hair.
When’s the styling’s done, Kimmi’s happy with the result even though he understands why it happening. As a result, tears are shed.
Marsau and Martell talk about Melody eventually dating someone else.
Back in Destin, Marsau and Martell enjoy their pool game. During the game, Marsau asks Martell how he got into a good space with Melody; a far cry from their trip to Las Vegas. Marsau said they grew since their divorce.
Meanwhile, LaTisha and Melody talk about Melody inviting Martell to the trip. Melody says she’s mentally strong enough now to have Martell in her space.
Next, Martell tells Marsau grew to understand why Melody grew away from him before their divorce. Marsau says he sees the growth in Martell. As this goes on, Melody tells LaTisha she had to go through self-growth to heal from her divorce. But LaTisha is skeptical.
Lastly, Martell tells Marsau he has plenty of regrets about how he treated her and understands Melody doesn’t want him back.
Marsau then asks how Martell would feel when Melody begins dating. Martell says it’s going to eventually happen and a conversation will happen when the time is right. He also feels whoever he dates Melody will not have an issue with it.
Despite this, Marsau believes Martell may not be 100 percent truthful.
What are your thoughts about the episode?
Martell inviting the Scott’s without running it by Melody shows how arrogant and inconsiderate he is.Also we can see very CLEARLY that Melody is OVER Messy Martell brah needs to MOVE ON…..that bady KILLED any chance of them getting back together…Melody looks more HAPPIER today than she ever did in her marriage.