Keke’s presence causes chaos during the team-building exercise.
Chris and Nell’s trust exercise opens today’s episode. First, Nell puts LaTisha and Stormi together in the exercise followed by Melody and Martell. The exercise involves a partner catching the other when they fall. Neither group demonstrated very much trust, especially Martell and Melody. Martell suspects that this is because they’re around everyone, and Melody doesn’t want to ruin her image.
Things become even more tense when Keke shows up, Irritating LaTisha and Marsau. However, Keke apologizes to everyone during Maurice’s BBQ thrown for Kimmi. While accepting the apology, Kimmi and Maurice say that it took too long for the apology to come. LaTisha reluctantly accepts the apology and then walks off.
Nell cries when she explains why she allowed Keke to participate and stay at the house. But LaTisha feels played by Nell. Chris checks in on them and Marsau tells them that a conversation should’ve occurred beforehand.
Nell goes to have the conversation with the Scotts and asks LaTisha and Marsau if Keke can stay. She also tells them that Chris was against this 100 percent. LaTisha tells Nell that Melody and Nell should’ve told her beef hand. Nell apologizes to LaTisha and says she’s going to fix it.
Back with the group, Nell tells Keke that she won’t be able to stay, and Stormi says that Keke will room with her and Courtney at their hotel. Keke then says LaTisha and Marsau won’t tell them where she can and can’t go. Marsau then confronts Melody about this, with Melody saying she didn’t know about this.
Martell turns up.
At this point, Martell speaks out and confronts Marsau about what was said during his sit-down with Melody earlier in the season. It’s at this point, that the team-building activity is over as smaller groups are arguing with Kimmi taking Melody aside. During Martell’s tirade, Martell brings up Melody cheating, and Nell yells back that Martell needs to hold himself accountable.
Suddenly, Nell walks off, saying she will punch Martell in his face. She asks Melody if she cheated on Melody, and Melody calmly answers she was only with another man when she wasn’t with Martell. Martell joins in on this, and Nell calls Martell a narcissist. But Martell is ready to talk about Melody cheating on him, which includes getting an apartment back in 2017.
Melody explains how she caught Martell cheating while at AAMU homecoming. But then Martell explains that before he cheated, Melody was allegedly going to hotels for days at a time and that “the sex changed.” He complained about it for a year before he stepped out. Melody, of course, refutes this, saying these were moments when she was getting away for her alone time.
Nell steps in and says that Martell is the only one asking her and Chris to pick sides. This angers Martell, and LaTisha defends Martell. But Stormi says to Matrtell that he shouldn’t have cheated. But this doesn’t stop Martell or calm him down.
Kimmi says that once a spouse cheats, everything else is fair game.
Melody explains the timeline.
Melody then reveals that she spoke with up to 5 attorneys back in 2017 because she felt her marriage with Martell was over. This also included going on a few dates. Marsau jokingly says Melody has been evil towards him, so he’ll have Martell back. Melody doesn’t appreciate the joke and gets into Marsau. After this, they agree that Melody must sit down with LaTisha to discuss this Keke situation. Producers show scenes where Melody talks to Keke about the trip, including one where Melody suggests Keke talk to Nell about joining them.
Back with the bigger group, the ladies are still grilling Martell, and Nell explains what happened when she separated from Chris. Nell stomps his feet when Nell says she didn’t sleep with or date anyone else while separated, and Martell still pleads that this is proof that Melody cheated on him.
As this rages on, Melody pulls LaTisha aside to talk and they reach an understanding about Nell inviting Keke on the trip. Melody is adamant that she didn’t invite her on the trip.
Eventually, Chris gets everyone calmed down for horseback riding. But the team-building goal is at rock bottom.
Because of Martell’s outburst, Chris and Nell say in their interview that they couldn’t show Keke the door. So, she’s at the horseback riding session with everyone else. LaTisha says she’s going to ignore her. They’re introduced to a relationship counselor when they all arrive for the horseback riding. Unfortunately for Kimmi, she’s very nervous about this. Kimmi stays behind with the counselor while everyone else enjoys the horses.
The therapy session goes smoothly.
After the horseback ride, they all enjoy dinner and then head to a day-long session with the therapist. The therapist immediately brings up the tension amongst the group, and Nell explains what caused it: Keke joining them on the trip.
Keke declines to speak on this, but when asked if her presence would bother LaTisha and Marsau, Keke says she did what she was supposed to do. She then says they can occupy the same space. Stormi jumps in and says that it sucks that Keke’s past keeps getting thrown in Keke’s face.
Stormi wants Keke and LaTisha to have the conversation to move forward, and LaTisha looks very disinterested. Marsau says the door is still open because of love, but it’s not up to him to get LaTisha to speak to Keke now.
In her interview, Keke says she feels rejected and they don’t fully understand all that LaTisha has done to her.
This leads to the conversation to focus on Melody and Nell regarding Keke showing up. Melody says she didn’t know Nell invited Keke to the trip.
The therapist digs deeper into LaTisha’s feelings regarding her relationship with Keke. Overall, the group agrees that they need time to heal.
What are your thoughts about the episode?
Martell sound like a d@mn fool! All that hooping, hollering, and jumping around ain’t changing the fact that you sir messed up your marriage by cheating…period! The sooner he can admit that to himself and stop blaming Mel, the sooner he can PROBABLY get the help he needs.
KeKe is crazy too, but people’s distain for Tisha will not let them see that. She go from 0 to 100 at lightning speed and her emotions all over the place. One minute she sorry, the next minute she ain’t—— she needs the work on herself before she can work on her relationship with anybody. Tisha is a good one because I would have hands for Keke if she threw a drink in my face.
Why is Tisha, messed up family members on the show. Just like her mother was removed, time for her cousin to go. Martell, time is up too no storyline.
Why is Tisha, messed up family members on the show. Just like her mother was removed, time for her to go.