Alleged Clients of Jennifer Williams’ Fiancé Reach out to the FBI

Photo Credit: VH1/YouTube

Skepticism grows around Jennifer Williams’ latest engagement.

Jennifer Williams has been a hot topic on social media and blogs due to the controversy surrounding her engagement. Christian Gold told Jennifer he is a multimillionaire with a net worth of $6 million. When asked how he achieved this supposed success, Christian claimed that trading and investing made him a fortune. He also said he owns an investment business where he manages other people’s money. None of this was questioned until a particular scene from the current season of “Basketball Wives” went viral. In the scene, Christian told Jennifer his restitution from being sentenced for false imprisonment in 2015 was nearly $250,000. Many fans of the show began to suspect Christian may be trying to scam Jennifer out of her money, especially since she offered to help pay.

After the clip went viral, Attorney Symone Redwine decided to dig into Christian. She told her YouTube subscribers that court documents stated Christian’s restitution was actually $12,500. Symone also pointed out that Christian can’t legally invest on behalf of others because his status as a felon prevents him from getting the required licenses and certifications. To top it off, Symone could not locate any assets under Christian’s legal name despite his claim to be worth millions.

Some of Christian Gold’s alleged clients believe they were scammed.

Days ago, a warrant was issued for Christian’s arrest because he left the state of Georgia to travel without getting permission from the probate office. His probation officer said he realized Christian did this because of the photos Jennifer posted to her Instagram account.

Christian and his lawyer asked for a hearing in September to avoid him getting locked up ahead of the wedding. They are also asking that Christian be taken off probation and granted permission to travel to Paris for the couple’s big day.

Well, Christian and Jennifer’s wedding plans may be challenged by another problem. People who are claiming to be clients of Christian’s investment company are alleging he ripped them off. And they have filed FBI complaints.

About 20 of these individuals have reached out to Symone. They gave their stories on her YouTube channel.

Will the FBI get involved?

Symone said, “The whole saga is because these hundreds and thousands of dollars we’re talking about, it appears they were used to finance Jennifer’s lifestyle. Her cars, her bags. Remember she said she don’t do broke. Her cars, her bags, her house…all of the above. Those things, it appears, were used or created and financed, including the wedding…financed by this, what appears to be, a Ponzi scheme. We’ve got about 10 victims backstage that want to share their stories.”

She continued, “So what happened was in the live, going back to the live that I did on Sunday, check it out it’s called Sunday Service that I did with the victims. I offered them, I said for pro bono, I will present one letter to the judge asking that until Christian gives you guys your money back he not be allowed to leave the country. I will present one of those letters but you have to submit to me a filed SEC or FBI complaint. FBI is actually the proper entity. And the reason I said that is because my name is on the line if I submit a letter on your behalf. And I need to know that you stand behind what you say.”

The attorney broke down why filing the complaints was important.

“When you file a complaint with the FBI, that is signed electronically under penalty of perjury. That means you’re swearing that if I was on a stand today and asked these questions, these are my honest answers. The reason why this is important is because lying to the FBI is a federal crime. So I said hey guys, if you submit those FBI complaints, email them to me all together. I’ll send a cover letter to the judge and the probation officer stating these are our concerns, basically he would be a flight risk.”

She added, “Well, about 20 people filed an FBI complaint all within 72 hours of each other. Exactly, exactly. So that’s just all I’ll say. They’re on it, they’re on it. They are aware.”

One of the alleged victims is now homeless and living in a motel after she trusted Christian with her money.

Check out one of the alleged past Zoom calls below.


  1. Yeah a legit and licensed broker/investment firm won’t guarantee 100 percent returns. The fact that these people said he took their money but they have no access to their accounts says it all. Jennifer better leave this man alone before she ends up in some serious trouble herself. Is being married that important to her?

  2. The crazy thing is Jennifer just made a documentary about the last scammer she was with. So she’s learned absolutely nothing from that.

  3. Jennifer needs a therapist not a husband! She is the common denominator in these relationships. I wonder what attracts the scammers to her. Getting scammed once is understandable but thrice, take several seats.

    1. What is wrong with Jennifer?!!!?!????… Who are these men she attracts?!!?!… U said u don’t “Do Broke” but sis the way your caring on with these type of men …U are BROKEN HUNNI!!! U don’t need a husband….u need GOD and Prayer!!! Just because it looks good doesn’t mean it’s good for u boo!!!

    2. #1 I agree 100% with Nosey. You attract who you are. There is no sane excuse for an almost 50 year old woman to continue to make the same mistakes over and over. That is the definition of insanity. #2 How you gonna have a documentary about how to avoid being scammed? When you are being scammed again? She is no role model. Really none of the players on this show are role models. It is just pure entertainment. It’s like watching a train wreck. It’s a guilty pleasure, Im not proud of.

  4. Maybe if she was not so MATERIALISTIC these SCAMS would not keep happening to her.If DESPERATE FOR A MAN was a person……

    1. Jennifer, is a BIG joke…if I was her after what she went through with those other men I would be taking my time in trying to find love. Maybe if she was not so MATERIALISTIC these SCAMS would not keep happening to her.If DESPERATE FOR A MAN was a person……

      1. Makes me so sad, Jennifer doesn’t know Jack about life, she has never had the experience most women her age she has never used a vibrator,OMG, she needs to get in touch with her body and her feelings mentally and physically. Stop buying all the name brands, people know quality clothing when they see it. Explore you and stop falling for these idiots

  5. Yikes. I have no idea why scammers and frauds like Christian think it’s a good idea to be on a reality show. All that does is attract the attention of lawyers, cops, and the feds. It’s like snitching on yourself. LOL.

    So many people want better for Jennifer but she swears she has so much common sense.

  6. Did Jen not learn from Brittish Willams’ mistakes? You damn sure don’t mess around with the FBI/Feds. If she ain’t careful, she gonna end up just like Brittish, face down, ass up. Lol

  7. Now it all starts to make sense. When Jennifer did her OWN story about being ripped off by some guy she’s now engaged to a man who’s doing the EXACT same thing…make it make sense

  8. She may be a little slow & she is definitely naive. This man is taking care of her with her own money. She’s getting too old to let thus happen again. Where are her so-called friends? They are gonna talk about her behind her back but not to her.

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