UPDATE: Jennifer Williams’ Fiancé Sentenced to 15 Days in Jail for Violating Probation

Jennifer Williams fiance sentenced
Photo Credit: Vh1

Jennifer Williams’ fiance is sentenced to 30 days in jail but can attend the wedding in Paris.

There is significant news out of Georgia regarding “Basketball Wives” star Jennifer Williams and her fiancé’s quest to attend his wedding. As previously reported, Christian had a warrant issued for his arrest in DeKalb County, Georgia. The warrant was issued because Christian failed to obtain permission to travel with Jennifer to Europe this past July. Per warrant documents obtained by Urban Belle, his probation officer learned of this through Jennifer’s Instagram account. A Dekalb County judge granted Christian a hearing on September 6th to plead his case.

According to Attorney Symone Redwine, Christian was sentenced to 15 days in jail and taken into custody after the hearing. However, Christian can attend the wedding in Paris. He and Jennifer are scheduled to leave on September 9th, and he must return to Georgia to serve the rest of his sentence.

Simone also mentioned that once he’s released from jail, Christian will be in good standing with the court again. However, if anything does come from the investigation into the scamming allegations, that would be considered a probation violation. Christian will be on probation through August 2025. As a result, he will need to request permission to travel outside the state. The court was notified about Christian’s desire to move to California. Before next August, the county courts must grant permission to do so.

It’s mentioned that Christian paid a remaining balance of 9,000 dollars before the hearing.

Please check out Symone’s YouTube video below for more information about the case.

UPDATE: Christian’s sentencing details, per court documents, show he was sentenced to 15 days. Currently, Christian is in jail until the 8th of September. He must return to custody on September 25th and will remain in custody until October 7th.


  1. So God has tried multiple times to show Jennifer who and what Christian is but she is determined to marry him anyway. Yeah, this is going to end so badly.

  2. This just don’t make any sense! It’s going from bad to worse to say what now? Bro gotta be embarrassed by all of this. Still, I like him for Jennifer. Now what’s wrong with me?

    1. Ur a bird that’s all. No respectable woman would like him for another Black woman. Especially one that has her own coins and fame and doesn’t need him.

      1. @New Money Don’t pick a fight that you know you can’t win. So I’m a bird and not respectable. Really? That’s all you got? It’s apparent that Jennifer loves this guy. He might turn out to be okay. You never know. P.S. Recognize a rhetorical question, will ya?

    2. My question is, Jennifer knew he was on probation and couldn’t leave, why would she post pictures of him outside of the state, less none the country

  3. Black women like Jennifer are really stupid. All it takes is love bombing and cute Instagram pictures to ignore red flags. Jennifer and her fans think this will end well. Ignorance is bliss. Good luck.

  4. How is Jennifer gon still wear all this designer stuff, continue to talk like she needs to swallow, pay his restitution, have this elaborate destination wedding like this is her first wedding, keep him in designer duds, support his ponzi scams, have a fling of a honeymoon and let him leave the honeymoon to go back to a jail cell bc he broke probation… 🤷🏾‍♀️ I thought she said that she was “allergic to broke.” I think she might push the date back.

  5. I Really like Jennifer she’s classes i hope she continue to stay in class and learn from the lesson in this. Go out for recess and RUNNN

  6. Jennifer is in love w/love and wants to be married. Guys see this plus she has a little money and they pounce on it and play the love game, not to say they don’t have real feelings for her because maybe they do. But at the end of the day it’s all about the money. I hope this guy proves this wrong g about him but, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. . . Chances are 9 out of 10 . . . It’s a Duck! Good luck Jennifer, I am rooting for you to have your person at last. . .

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