‘Power Book II: Ghost’ Recap: Carter Causes More Problems for Tariq

Photo Credit: Starz/YouTube

On the recent episode of “Power Book II: Ghost,” Tariq and Brayden make a move to get back on Noma’s good side. Meanwhile, Detective Carter’s laser focus on the Tejada clan will hit Tariq where it hurts. Here is the recap for, “The Devil’s Playground.”

Noma will back off for now.

Dru sits outside in his car while taking photos of Detective Carter. While doing so, he receives a text message from Monet. She inquires if Dru was able to take photos that will help their cause. Dru answers no. Not too long after, Carter texts Dru from an unknown number to tell Dru to stop following him. Carter then walks out in front of Dru’s car to give Dru the middle finger. Dru drives off frustrated.

Noma and Cane meet up with Tariq and Brayden. Tariq holds up the USB flash drive Agent Young said contains evidence of Noma distributing drugs. He’s orchestrated the drive getting to detectives if he and Brayden are killed.  So the offer is Noma and Cane leave them be to continue selling their drugs at Stansfield. If not, cops will be given what they need to take down Noma. Noma ends the meeting irritated, meanwhile, Brayden and Tariq realize they can only keep Noma on a short leash for so long. They have to make moves to ensure they become the top dogs of the drug game.

Zion makes his move.

Carter and his subordinates raid the Tejada house. He demands to know who supplied the drugs Monet stole. She refuses to answer and guns are pointed at Diana. Carter tells Monet her assignment is to find the answer. Before leaving, Carter has Dru put in handcuffs to complete a task.

Cane goes with Noma to talk business with Wiley Adams. Before a deal can be made, Zion pulls up in a vehicle and starts shooting. Wiley is killed.

Carter calls Zion to chastise him for killing a civilian. He reminds Zion that killing civilians goes against their deal. When Zion is asked who he is targeting, he doesn’t answer. Zion tells Carter that he’ll tell people about their deal if Carter stops protecting him. After the conversation ends, Carter tells Detective Lewis to take out Zion discreetly. She later tells Diana to do the deed to spare Dru.

Davis and Tariq have a plan.

Monet visits Cane at his place to warn him to stay away from Noma because she’s being targeted. But Cane thinks he has the situation under control.

Diana goes to campus to tell Tariq what’s going on. However, she runs off to vomit before she can say much. Effie observes this and confronts Tariq. When Diana returns, Effie says she should terminate the pregnancy because she and Tariq will be horrible parents. Diana tells Effie her life is in jeopardy the longer she sleeps with Cane while Noma is his number one.

Davis and Tariq exchange information. They realize taking Zion off the board will smooth things over with Noma. And smoothing things over with Noma makes it likely to have her as a supplier again.

Kamaal catches on.

Monet tells Carter the Russians supplied the drugs she stole. Carter says Dru will be released once he completes the job he’s been given. In response, Monet tells Carter she’ll kill him if Dru is harmed. Carter is unbothered.

Carter tasked Dru to kill an inmate named Zay who will potentially report his crooked cop ways. Dru accomplishes this by starting a fistfight and suffocating Zay while he is recovering in the infirmary.

Effie is meeting with the Russians when Carter and his subordinates bust in with guns drawn. The head honcho of the mob escapes without suffering a bullet wound. Effie is also able to escape with her life. Tate’s brother Kamaal notices Detective Halston is killing any Russian he sees while stealing cash.

Tariq takes care of Zion.

Dru proposes a deal to Carter’s right-hand man Halston. Since Roman has been talking about snitching on Carter to other inmates, Dru will take Roman out before he is released. But he’ll only act if Carter agrees to leave Monet and Diana alone and promote Dru to lieutenant.

Cane suspects that Monet was the one who stole Noma’s drugs and hired soldiers to help with crashing the drop. Monet denies this but Cane isn’t buying her claims of innocence. 

Noma agrees to Tariq taking out Zion to restart their soured business relationship. Cane isn’t thrilled. Regardless, Tariq and Brayden get the job done. Cane identifies Zion as the thief who stole Noma’s drugs to protect Monet. Diana is relieved when Tariq confirms Zion was dealt with via a phone call. She invites him to meet her out for some cookies.

Diana pays for Tariq’s actions.

When Lewis learns Tariq and Brayden killed Zion (the incident was recorded by cameras Carter had placed in the apartment Zion lived in), she beats up Diana badly outside of the cookie shop. 

Kamaal meets with Carter to tell him about what he witnessed Halston do to the Russian mob. Carter eventually confirms he’s running a dirty organization. He believes being a dirty cop is required to have a true handle on crime. After Carter invites Kamaal to join his crooked team of detectives, Kamaal says he needs time to process this. Carter then fatally shoots Kamaal.

Tariq makes it to the cookie shop to meet Diana. When he calls her, Tariq can hear her phone ringing nearby. Tariq freaks out when he finds Diana unconscious on the ground.

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