‘Power Book II: Ghost’ Recap: Tariq & Monet’s Latest Plan Backfires

Photo Credit: Starz/YouTube

On the latest episode of “Power Book II: Ghost,” Tariq and Monet team up to deal with Carter. But their plan only leads to Carter and Noma joining forces. Here’s a recap of, “Higher Calling.”

Tariq and Monet have a plan to deal with Carter.

Detective Carter covers up Detective Lewis’ murder by making her death look like a car crash. While the majority of the department is buying this, Detective Halston needs convincing.

Tariq and Monet meet up to discuss their current problem: Carter. Since he’s hanging the possibility of prison over their heads, Tariq thinks they need to pit him and Noma against each other.

Dru is taken to Zion’s underground boxing hangout to meet the men who will be working for him. Carter tells Dru that the place will be his responsibility to run now that Zion is dead.

Noma and Cane confirm their engagement.

When Monet and Tariq meet with Noma and Cane to confirm Carter knows about the drug business, they confirm their engagement. Monet is disgusted and Tariq laughs. Noma doesn’t take the bait and refuses to face off against the NYPD and Carter.

Effie and Davis learn of the engagement when Noma calls for a meeting to tell them to help Cain look like a college graduate. Effie is in charge of giving Cane a social media presence. Davis must handle the legalities regarding the marriage. Cane tells Effie the marriage is just business. But Noma tells Effie to back off from Cane so their couple status seems more authentic.

Diana has regrets.

Since Davis’ loyalties are with Tariq and Monet, he tells them Noma’s private jet business Aircraft Global is of the utmost importance to her. She’s marrying Cane because the business needs an American owner to make the American government be open to do business. So Cane will be the frontman. Davis says he linked Noma to Sterling Reynolds from the commerce department to bribe her way in. So this is the information Carter needs to be supplied to take down Noma.

Diana confides in Tariq about regretting killing Lewis because she was a mother. Tariq tells Diana she did what had to be done so she shouldn’t be hard on herself. They make out but Tariq disagrees when Diana tells him he doesn’t need a rubber. She storms off. 

Dru and Cane attempt to sabotage each other. Cane buys the underground boxing spot to put Dru out of business. Dru gets even by telling Carter about Noma’s upcoming gun shipment.

Carter’s attempt to make a move on Noma fails.

Effie’s mother finds her on campus to ask for money. Her man left her for another woman. It’s revealed Josefina is Effie’s real name. Effie tells her mom she’s not helping her because the man who left molested her. Since her mother stayed with the man who molested Effie, she’s not giving her a dime. In response, Effie’s mother says she’s too mean to be loved.

Carter and his detectives attempt to listen in on Noma’s dinner conversation with Sterling Reynolds. Davis joins them to let Noma know they’ve been compromised. Noma ends the meeting promptly. Carter is furious. 

After they leave the restaurant, Davis tells Noma a source from the task force told Carter about the meeting. In response, Noma says Carter must be neutralized. Davis then texts Tariq to confirm the plan is working.

Elle ends it with Brayden.

Brayden talks Tariq into confronting Steve, the drug dealer who sold the drugs that caused his girlfriend Elle to overdose. The drugs contained fentanyl. Brayden originally told Tariq they were only going to scare Steve. But after Brayden forces Steve to do his own drugs, he kills him. Tariq snaps and tells Brayden he went too far.

Noma and Cane meet with Halston. They offer him $500,000 to turn Carter in to their superiors. But Halston says he’ll only do this for seven figures. 

Elle recovers. Brayden visits her in the hospital. She breaks up with him after he tells her he took out Steve. She values life and can’t have what Brayden did on her conscious.

Noma and Carter meet.

Cane is finally able to hash things out with Effie. He once again confirms that his engagement to Noma is strictly business. But his feelings for Effie are real and he will still have her back. She appreciates this and is grateful for their friendship. 

Since Halston informed Carter about Noma’s attempt to pay him to flip, Carter meets with Noma in his place. They agree Tariq and Monet are common enemies they need to eliminate. So they will work together to dispose of them and build a strong partnership.

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