‘Power Book II: Ghost’ Recap: The Pressure Stacks for Monet & Tariq + Cane Chooses Monet

Photo Credit: Starz/YouTube

On the latest episode of “Power Book II: Ghost,” Tariq and Monet team up when they realize Carter and Noma have united to get rid of them. Unfortunately, Cane’s decision to put Monet over Noma results in a major loss. Here is the recap for, “Married to the Game.”

It’s still a struggle for Diana. 

Diana is still struggling to get back to normal after suffering a miscarriage and getting her revenge on Detective Lewis. While taking an exam, she decides she just can’t do the exam. So she walks out of the classroom. Tariq and Effie notice. While Tariq is concerned, Effie silently celebrates getting accepted into Stanford’s engineering program. 

Detective Carter calls Tariq to assign him a task. He wants Tariq to go check out a young drug dealer in Staten Island he’s been hearing about. Tariq initially refuses and suggests the police are better suited for this. However, Carter reminds Tariq that he doesn’t have much of a choice. Dru panics when he finds out Carter went to Tariq instead of him. He worries Tariq might be his replacement. 

Noma’s brother Chinedu is in town for the wedding. Dinner is awkward as Diana and Monet clash with Chinedu and Anya at the table. No one wants to support Noma and Cane being together and see them as a mismatch. 

Noma and Carter’s plan is put into action.

When Monet gets alone time with Cane, she tells him he’s a good son. He stepped up after Monet killed Lorenzo. So she’s grateful. But she worries Cane is making a mistake with Noma. Monet doesn’t think she can be trusted nor does she believe Noma will ever see Cane as an equal. Regardless, Cane is confident that marrying Noma is what he wants to do. He believes the marriage will help him professionally. Being her partner is a huge opportunity. 

Noma later has a one-on-one conversation with Monet about fixing their relationship. She understands she burned a bridge with Monet when she cut her out of the business. To seemingly make things right, she tells Monet she can sell drugs that were stashed away. These drugs can be found in an abandoned amusement park on Staten Island. When Diana and Dru find out that Monet and Tariq were both sent to Staten Island as well as the Russian mob leader Noma sells her drugs to (Vadim), they make it a point to head that way, too. 

Noma hooks up with Davis while Effie and Cane sleep together again. Effie wants to get out of the business so she can move to California for Stanford. But Cane can’t promise Noma will agree to this. 

Tariq fails.

Monet and Tariq run into each other with guns drawn when they arrive at the Staten Island location. It doesn’t take long before Vadim arrives to take them out. Luckily, Diana and Dru make it just in time to prevent Tariq and Monet’s deaths. Everyone realizes Tariq and Monet were set up by Carter and Noma who must be working together. They dispose of the bodies and send a fake text to Noma from Vadim’s phone telling her the job was done. 

Tariq, Diana, Davis, Dru, and Monet meet to come up with a plan. All agree that Carter and Noma have to go. The best time to make this happen is after the wedding reception. Dru, Diana, and Monet will take care of Noma. Tariq will go after Carter while he’s in church. And to Tariq’s lack of satisfaction, Effie and Brayden will be needed, too. Effie only agrees to help because getting rid of Noma guarantees she can move to California. 

Davis overhears one of Noma’s henchmen telling another person they need to let Noma know they can’t get in touch with Vadim. The attorney kills the man to buy Tariq and Monet more time.

Effie disables all the church cameras and Brayden lies about a bedbug infestation to clear out the building so Tariq can take out Carter. The attempt fails and Carter puts Tariq in handcuffs while he warns Noma about unwanted visitors likely heading her way soon. 

Cane chooses Monet.

Brayden and Effie improvise and follow Carter and Tariq. In a moment of desperation, Brayden hits Carter’s car and causes it to crash. When Tariq awakens, he sees Carter was tied up and put in a chair. Carter warns all three that the police will burn the whole city down if he goes missing. 

The wedding takes place but Cane is immediately reprimanded at the start of the reception. Noma also has her men put Diana and Dru in a truck but Monet shoots the henchmen dead before they can pull off. Monet tells them to leave so she can rescue Cane. But the siblings insist on staying and helping her fight the war. 

Monet shoots her way through the reception. She finds Cane before Dru and Diana. Cane is tied up and talking to Noma about Monet. She wants him to pick between her and Monet. When she accuses Monet of always belittling Cane, Cane tells her she doesn’t understand their relationship. Being a little black kid was tough and there wasn’t much protection. Monet was always the one who protected him so he will never forsake her. 

Monet sacrifices herself. 

This answer angers Noma. She starts shooting and Monet joins the shootout. When Noma calls for Cane’s execution, Monet sacrifices her life to protect Cane as he lies on the floor unprotected. She takes a couple of Noma’s men out before falling due to multiple gunshot wounds from Noma. Noma and Chinedu make their exit as Diana and Dru finally show up.  

When the shootout ends, Monet lies on the ground as she is dying from her injuries. Her last words are, “My babies.” Cane, Dru, and Diana cry out in disbelief after she takes her last breath. 

What are your thoughts on the episode? 

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