By: Amanda Anderson
We live in a world where money is on just about everyone’s mind. The country is in one of the worst recessions in the nation’s history, and we are learning now more than ever that we didn’t treat money the way it should be treated. When we had it, we weren’t necessarily responsible with it. In fact, those that made up the middle class, spent most of their money trying to imitate the wealthy class. We relied on credit cards to pay for items we just honestly couldn’t afford, and we create more debt than we create wealth in our entire lifetime.
While you may not think that you handle your money carelessly, you might be spending way more money than you should. Here a few of the top ways people are careless with their money.
1. Spending way too much money on designer labels.
2. Treating your credit cards like cash.
3. Creating too many bills.
When it comes to money, you will find that most people go into debt to impress other people. And usually, it’s people that we don’t like or don’t even know. It’s not smart to go into debt for people that don’t even mean that much to you. Make better decisions with your money. By doing so, you might even be able to accumulate wealth.