By: Taren Vaughan
As another Thanksgiving Day rolls around, many of us came together with our family members, close friends, neighbors and significant others to partake in lots of good eating and fellowship. As these are the things that we are known for doing on this day, we should always focus on the main purpose of the holiday itself. And that is to give God the utmost thanks for the things that He has done for us throughout the year and our lives altogether. Some of our lists may be much longer than others. But regardless, we all have something to be thankful for each and every day which is why praising God for our blessings should be done on more than just one day out of 365.
Although Thanksgiving Day is coined as the day that we all give thanks to God, is that really enough time to tell Him thank you for all that He has done for us? A single 24-period is all that He gets?
I don’t know about you but I know that with all the things that God has blessed me with and all of the times that He has been there for me when I had no hope and things in my life were really getting the best of me, just one day is not nearly enough time for me to tell Him how much I appreciate what He has done for me in my life and in the lives of people who are close to me as well.
Each day that we have here on Earth is a blessing, for each one of them is not promised to any of us. And that in itself is enough to be thankful for. So even if you get to a point, which I’m sure none of us ever will, where you don’t feel like you have a specific thing or situation to be thankful for, be thankful for life itself. Be thankful for another chance to start over. Be thankful for God’s grace and mercy because without it, where would we be? There are so many things to be thankful for; the list could literally go on for days. Continuously praise God for all He has done for you, on Thanksgiving Day and every other day of the year. For every day that you have breath in your body, should be a day of Thanksgiving.