With the tabloids still buzzing on Kim Kardashian’s most recent split with latest beau Gabriel Aubrey, it’s evident that even the most gorgeous and successful women can’t necessarily get it right with men and relationships. Kardashian herself has had plenty of practice with a failed marriage, and the two recent splits with NFL superstars…yet, again, she is manless and in search for her perfect match. But when it comes to love and steady relationships, it’s apparent that Kim and women like herself are more concerned with just being in a relationship. It doesn’t matter too much who they are in a relationship with, as long as they have a title. These women need a man so bad that they can’t even keep one. It’s kind of insane that the women who usually embody these qualities are usually corporate monsters and degree totting divas, but when it comes to relationships, they’re quite dependent. Oh yes, that independence flies right out the window when it comes to securing the label of all labels: girlfriend. Notice how they are so concerned with being girlfriends that they rarely become wives? It’s just a classic case of the Chronic Girlfriend Syndrome. In most cases, it isn’t men holding us back from steady relationships and successful romances. It is us, and our ridiculous dependency of holding a title with people we shouldn’t even be screwing. In return, we’re getting screwed, and getting dumped because we’re trying too hard to avoid the single life, when it is the single life that best prepares a woman for the romantic life.
I have a few girlfriends who suffer from this disorder…lol. Hopefully they will realize that it's not so bad to be to yourself for awhile. Relationships are better off when we take time to find ourselves before hand. Can't do that if you're always in a relationship.
"The Chronic Girlfriend Syndrome"I love it. So true and so personal to me. I used to be that woman. It's when I became secure by myself that the love of my life finally came, but I had to learn how to be by myself for a couple of years. It was scary at first because I am the chick who always has a boyfriend. But I finally felt free when I withdrew from relationships for a while.
This is so true, and it's sad that we all probably know a few people that jump from relationship top relationship attempting to find security. Smh…but how can you find security in a relationship if you're not even secure in yourself! Relationships won't amount to much if you don't cultivate the most important one with yourself first! Have self-love(not selfish love, though) before you love others!