Men Speak: ‘All Black Men Don’t Love Big Butts’

Contrary to belief, huge asses are not every Black man’s fantasy.

By: Taren Vaughan

Once viewed as unsightly, unattractive and a thing that only Black women were blessed with, big butts are now the must haves, especially amongst those on the Hollywood scene. Whether they are natural or obviously fake, the attention that they bring has led some females to take desperate measures and do whatever they can to gain membership into the Big Booty Bunch. Some women have endured horrible amounts of pain and have dropped thousands of their hard earned dollars on implants and injections. And some of these surgeries have almost sent some women to an early grave.

And why do they go through all this?

It’s because they have been told by the media and other sources that they deem creditable that that’s what men are attracted to, namely the African American ones.  As large behinds are supposedly adored by all Black men, these brothers said that they aren’t feenin’ for huge derrieres:

“I don’t like too much butt on a woman. It’s just not attractive to me. And it looks unnatural too, especially when it’s attached to a woman with a small frame. A lot of my homeboys call me crazy for it but I don’t care. A little something is cool, but when it gets to the point where you can sit a drink on it, that’s too much” –Erick M.

“Credit the rap game and the music videos that go along with it for making the world believe that all brothers are in love with big butts. And give props to the Hollywood chicks that rock the butt pads on the regular who get massive amounts of attention. Seriously, women need to stop looking at these “celebrity” females like Kim Kardashian as inspiration. Work with what you have and trust me, we will still check for you. Big butt or not, if you look good then you look good” –Kenny S.

“I’m not an a** man, yeah I said it. You don’t need all that to get my attention. Even though I’m not all about the big booties, it doesn’t mean that I won’t date a woman that has one. It’s just not something that my woman has to have. I know I’m probably considered a fool with my comments but the truth is all of us are not trying to have a “Trina” on our arm” –Marcus H.

Sounds as if having a big butt is not all that it is cracked up to be. It may get you a few free drinks and obnoxious stares at the club but it is not a woman’s golden ticket to relationship heaven.

Big, small or in between, your butt or any other body part that you may have been thinking of altering won’t guarantee you a good man.

And it may not even be something that they find appealing.

Never thought in a million years I would meet a Black man that wasn’t Team Big Butts.



  1. Okay I get that big butts don’t lead to love and all that but these men don’t sound like they are even checking for black women. I have never heard a black man make little of a big butt. So these men are either gay, not into black women, or just plain weird. Because when I tell you black men love big butts, I’m telling you the sky is blue.

  2. This article has given hope to women not so fortunate in the booty department. I know it’s hard to believe, but maybe some men need more than a big booty to be attracted to a woman. That’s not impossible right?

  3. I dont have a big booty and I dont want one, men like what they like but Id be damn if I change my body to please anyone. Thats crazy. It’s enough big booty women to go around the world 100 times. Let me be that 1 in a million with no booty. Im not a follower, Im a leader. And for women to go as far as lethal injections, is a warning. There is really a problem with this world. Let them deal with it. I got my own life to live.

  4. You people can say what you want, but if all it takes is a big butt to please, or attract a black man then this is really a problem. We have black women out here putting there lives at risk to fit some ignorant image that isn’t helping black self esteem. If you really want something to be big it should be her mind, not her a-s.

  5. Im a mixed black man, & I have to say that im not really a big butt man. A normal size butt is ok. Im more of a Breast man. I like natural large breasts. That doesn’t mean im gay either. Whoever calls a man gay for not liking big butts is really immature. You can be black & like different things. Plus if the lady is mature & sweet, that’s really all that matters. So not all black guys like the same stuff & people should accept that or deal with it

  6. Real men no matter the color or race like phat booty cheeks. Moreover, a butt doesn’t necessarily have to be big to be Phat.

    1. I am a 48 y/o Black female–35-29-41. In the 1980s and 1990s until Sir Mix a Lot’s song came out, Black men preferred light skinned girls with flat butts. A lot of Black men insulted me, calling me Aunt Jemima
      Example: Spike Lee, Michael Jordan, Will Smith, Chris Rock…all married light skinned women with flat butts
      Ask any Black guy over 40 to name the prettiest woman in Hollywood, they will say Vanessa Williams and Halle Berry
      The strong desire for big butts is a phenomenon among younger Black men. However, I concede there are a few Black men my age who find me attractive

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