Basketball Star Anthony Davis: I Like My Unibrow and I’m Going to Trademark It

Anthony Davis

Former Kentucky basketball star Anthony Davis is about to make a profit, not for his skills on the court but for having a little extra hair on his face.

By: Taren Vaughan

Coming off an incredible season as the leading shot blocker in college basketball, Anthony Davis has truly made a name for himself. And he left a lasting impression at Kentucky as a freshman, breaking records and being instrumental in his team’s run to the National Championship title. He is now headed to this year’s NBA Draft where he is projected to be the number one pick. Davis’ skills on the court have been thoroughly dissected by commentators and analysts of all kinds and much talk about where he will end up is still going strong. But there is another thing about Davis that seems to inevitably make its way into conversation…his unibrow.

Davis’ unibrow had taken the sports world by storm for a minute as it was the main thing that people kept talking about. Questions were asked about whether or not he was going to shave it off once he got into the league or whether he was bothered by the constant jokes targeted at his excessive facial hair.

Apparently, the answer to both questions is no.

Not only will his eyebrows not be parting ways, Davis is potentially about to make a killing off it.

According to CNBC, he plans to trademark “Fear The Brow” and “Raise The Brow”, two slogans dedicated to his bushy glory.

And he says that even though his unibrow is about to make him some extra cash, he doesn’t want fans to go crazy, trying to grow out their own:

“I don’t want anyone to try to grow a unibrow because of me and then try to make money off of it.”

I don’t think people are that pressed to grow a unibrow, regardless of which athletic talent is rockin’ one.

Davis also adds that he and his brow may be making a commercial debut here shortly:

“I might have a commercial where I’m acting like I’m shaving it and then I’ll throw the razor down.”

Anthony Davis definitely has a sense of humor about the whole thing. And so do his fans as “Bow to the Brow” signs were spotted across the stands throughout the NCAA tournament.

Who ever knew a unibrow could turn into a source of income?


  1. Dude is proof alone that gold diggers and groupies would smash anybody with money. I’d rather get a job and take care of myself.

  2. That Meme is hilarious. The guy is smart to do this and he will do wonders in the league. I hope he gets the bottom row of teeth fixed though. If he does, his marketing value will skyrocket.

  3. I won’t put down anyone who has confidence despite what others say about them. That’s commendable especially in today’s internet bashing society. I love y’all but I already know where this comment thread will most likely go.

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