Rockstar Says Nicki Minaj Is A B-tch Backstage

Nicki Minaj bad attitude?

By: Taren Vaughan

Nicki Minaj’s fan base seems to be multiplying with each passing day as more and more of them have been popping out all over the place. Singer-songwriter Frank Turner however isn’t one. Her wig-rockin’ army that she refers to as Barbz and Kens is down for Nicki at all times despite the Lil’ Kim bashing, the lashing she received for not being real Hip-Hop and all the other things that the Young Money rapper can’t catch a break from. As music heads have gone in on Minaj for ditching her gritty street flow for pop appeal, her attitude has set off a minor Twitter war between Turner and her fans as him and his rock band thinks she is an absolute douche bag.

It all began when the rock group The Sleeping Souls fired shots at Minaj via Twitter for the way she treated the backstage crew at the T In The Park festival in Scotland this past weekend:

“@_sleeping souls You know what? Nicki Manaj can just f–k right off. n”

Shortly following this tweet, Turner took to his personal account to explain why his band was so infuriated with Minaj:

“You know what? Nicki Manaj can just f–k right off… backstage her security guy just pushed a crew person off the path into the mud so she could walk past,”

“To clarify: Nicky Minaj has been being a total selfish sh-thead to all the hardworking crew backstage at T. Pathetic. F–k off.”

Turner adds in that while Nicki might get away with acting like a straight b-tch to her own crew doesn’t mean she can do it to anyone else:

“You can (I suppose) be a d–k to your own crew, you’re paying them. But everyone else? And not to mention the people out front. Ugh.”

In defense of their beloved Barbie, some of Nicki’s loyal followers went after Turner and his band for slamming her:

“@OFFICALHarry7 @NICKIMINAJ fans are the best and there is so many shes more known better singer than @fthc #Barbz”


Turner took much pleasure in clowning their Twitter attacks (some of which he retweeted), since to him, Nicki’s fans are only slightly literate anyway:

“Haha. Currently being flamed by semi-literate fans on Nicki (sp) Minaj. Brightening up my day.”

Kanye isn’t the only one getting slammed for being a self-absorbed queen.



  1. LMAO!!! I’m so glad someone finally called phony Nicki and her illiterate fans out. The woman is an average rapper at best and a terrible performer, she has no right to treat people like they are beneath her. Her attitude sucks and she’ll be irrelevant in a few years.

  2. I wish this woman would go away…she’s not even that great of an artist. Her performances are just as dry as bad sex.

  3. Nicki Minaj has a stank attitude. Everyone she works with knows it. She fakes the funk in front of her fans because she knows they can end her career, but the way she behaves backstage, on video sets, and magazine spreads is nasty enough that more and more people are talking. Nicki better watch it.

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