Chris Brown Quits Social Media

Photo Credit: @chrisbrown Twitter
Photo Credit: @chrisbrown Twitter

By: Taren Vaughan

Did Chris Brown quit social media altogether? Chris Brown has gotten caught up in some serious drama these past few days. And it has nothing at all to do with the infamous love triangle that he has been apart of for months with his ex-girlfriends Rihanna and Karrueche Tran. First thing Monday morning, reports quickly surfaced about Chris Brown and his entourage getting into a fight with Singer Frank Ocean in a studio parking lot in LA. Being the first to officially speak out on the matter, Frank Ocean claimed that he was jumped by Chris and people from his camp, Chris supposedly throwing the first punch. And he wasted not a moment to inform the whole Twittersphere that he suffered an injury to his finger as a result of the fight. It has even been said that Frank Ocean has gotten to the point where he wants Chris to be charged for his alleged involvement in the brawl. Due to his rocky past and involvement in a club brawl not too long ago that resulted in many parties getting injured including himself, some people assumed that Chris Brown surely was the one who initiated the fight yet those close to Chris have jumped to his defense, new evidence emerging that may even prove Chris’ innocence.

Before the parking lot brawl went down, Chris Brown and Frank Ocean were at odds with each other after they beefed on Twitter after Frank said Chris Brown reminded him of Ike Turner. And it was the same platform that Chris used to deny using homophobic slurs when referring to Ocean and go off on people for going in on his now thinner frame. He also uses it to send out messages to his haters as he recently posted a photo of Jesus on his Instagram account that caused more uproar, the singer was comparing himself to a biblical figure.

Clearly feeling some type way about all that is going on surrounding the recent incident between him and Frank Ocean, it looks like Breezy has had about enough of the social media scene as he informed his fans that he was officially done with that life through a series of posts that he put on Instagram before he completely deleted his account.

Chris wrote:

“I would like to thank all of my wonderful fans for letting me express my talent/art for you all.

“But…social media takes away the essence of why we are even special or icons. So with that, I’m detaching myself from that world.

“For more information on Chris Brown go to or follow the Twitter account @chrisbrown ran by the team!

“Elevate yourself above the negative and if it doesn’t work, move on! I respect myself enough as well as my fans to wanna [sic] be great!”


Chris Brown has gone on hiatus from the social media scene before after he got into a profanity laced showdown with comedic writer Jenny Johnson that led to him temporarily deleting his Twitter account so there is no telling whether or not he will truly stay away this time. But it is obvious that Chris Brown and social media networks don’t mix well despite the fact that he has millions of followers to show for.


  1. Good for him but he should stay off this time. He also need to change his circle. It’s amazing how many troubles he’s had since the incident with Rihanna. Did he not get any counseling?

  2. He always does this when the public drags him. I like Chris, but he really needs an intervention right about now. He also needs to leave Rihanna alone completely. They both need to move on because no one will even forget what happened between them. He needs a fresh start, and he needs to focus on his music. His friends need to go to. They are free loaders and don’t want the best for him. His momma also needs to stop acting like the sun rises and sets on his a-s. Now that he sees it doesn’t, he doesn’t know how to handle it.

    1. I agree with all of this! I love me some Chris but his down fall came when the Rihanna thing happened. She’s like a poison in his life. He moved on, started dating Kae, and he got the grammy and was making it back to the top. And as soon as Rih came back in his life, it went downhill again! I knew she was back in the picture when he fought Drake because that’s what Rihanna does, she destroys things. Her career will still flourish, but Chris has to fight to get back on track again. It sucks and I wish he would just move on and leave her alone. Start fresh and make better choices. The public wasn’t angry at Rih for taking him back, they said she was a victim. But they got mad at Chris and they are hell bent on destroying him again for it.

  3. SMH…but social media isn’t the problem! His friends are, and so is his big ego. He really should have just walked away from Frank. Yeah, some would have called him a punk for it, but now he could be facing jail time…over something so stupid.

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