Alabama Teacher Gets Suspended for Ranting About Michelle Obama’s ‘Fat Butt’

Photo Credit: Joyce Boghosian
Photo Credit: Joyce Boghosian

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

It’s pretty clear that Republicans can be very sore losers. Obama demolished Mitt Romney in the General Election, and what was speculated to be a close race, was surely an embarrassing defeat for the Republican Party. But it appears that coping after losing the presidency for most people is to make disrespectful remarks about our Commander-in-Chief and the First Lady of the Unites States. And we have to say, Michelle Obama has been targeted by more hateful remarks more so than any other First Lady from what we’ve seen. We wish we could sincerely say it’s not because of her race, but that might be too silly to even say aloud.

Regardless, Michelle Obama is probably used to the all the hate she gets, and we’re quite confident she’ll survive the most recent attack from another salty Republican who is furious that the Republicans can’t “take their country back.”

The most recent attack comes from a teacher in Alabama, and this time, he’s suggesting that Michelle Obama shouldn’t be heading a campaign to tackle children obesity because she has a “fat butt.” Bob Grisham had no idea his rant was being recorded on a student’s smartphone.

His rant didn’t just stop at the First Lady, but of course, as to be expected, it ended up being about “queers” and how he didn’t want the gays anywhere around him. Sometimes it’s hard to tell that it’s 2013.

Anyway, here’s what he had to say about Michelle Obama, via Times Daily:

“Fat butt Michelle Obama. And look … look at her. She looks like she weighs 185 or 190. She’s overweight.

“I’m serious. Y’all, our country is, is, is going in the wrong direction.”


In the audio, another man can be heard calling Michelle a “big fat gorilla.”

And then the predictable rant against gays:

“You’d better be aware of it. And people running around like, oh it’ll get better, it’ll get better. No, it ain’t gone get no better until things change. I can give you example after example of that, but I don’t want to use any local names to give you examples. Things won’t get better until there’s a change in some areas and stuff. And you know what his platform was? Change. We’re gone change. We’re all … aw it’s OK …. for … and … y’all can get pissed off at me or not. You can go tell the principal, you can call the superintendent and tell her. I don’t believe in queers, I don’t like queers. I don’t … I don’t hate them as a person but what they do is wrong, it’s an abomination against God. I don’t like being around queers.”


With comments and “philosophies” such as these, it’s no surprise that the Republican Party is in trouble and continues to struggle getting another president in the White House.

Bob Grisham has been suspended for ten days with no pay.


  1. Chile…and how does HE look? Michelle Obama is the first lady of the USA, so already, she sh-ts on any woman he’s ever dated.

  2. It just sickens some of these racist white folks that there’s a BLACK family sitting in the White House, but oh well, there’s not much they can do but spew their little racist dialogue. I don’t think it’s fazes Barack or Michelle.

  3. I don’t give racist people the attention they crave anymore. So…I’m going to assume she doesn’t either. They’re mad and all they can do is stay mad. LOL.

    1. It’s honestly ugly people of every race. Racist white people just think they are the standard to beauty because well, they need to feel superior to everyone else. Let the idiots think whatever they need to so they can sleep at night. #shrugs

  4. Umm Michelle is not fat. No wonder the modeling industry is full of anorexic women. The people in control are mainly white and they’re ignorant when it comes to a healthy body type. And as far as that “fat butt” comment goes, white women are paying lots of money to get that “fat butt” he’s ranting about.

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