Rev Run Says Women Can Learn A Lot from Beyonce on Relationships & Dating

Photo Credit: @tyrese Instagram
Photo Credit: @tyrese Instagram

By: Taren Vaughan

Rev Run and Tyrese‘s new book has arrived. And as we all know, Rev Run and Tyrese are two celebrities that use their Twitter accounts quite often to tweet out relationship advice to their followers, along with other things that they feel very passionate about. And while some times all of their efforts don’t receive a round of applause as their messages don’t always come out the way that they intend them to, Rev and Tyrese seem to feel that they can hang with the best of them when it comes to dishing out relationship advice to the ladies as Comedian Steve Harvey has thought of himself to be a creditable source for the job as he released two books, schooling women on how to act like ladies yet think like men at the same time. After seeing the success that Steve Harvey had with his books, Rev Run and Tyrese thought to take their own stab at it and joined together to write their own book titled ‘Manology: Secrets of Your Man’s Mind Revealed’. The two sat down with The Hollywood Reporter and discussed the concept behind their book and shared their personal opinions about women and relationships. When asked the question of what is the biggest mistake that women tend to make earlier on in relationships, Tyrese says that the one thing women need not to do when they first meet a man is talk excessively and put all of their business out there for him to know:

“They talk too much. It’s simple: ladies, I love you to death, but shut up. Stop telling random guys that you meet all your business. You don’t know what’s gonna happen in this particular relationship: he might be sexy, tall, charming and charismatic. But all of the drama – dysfunction from your childhood, all of the abusive relationships, being cheated on and lied to, going into details about what didn’t work from your relationships in the past – becomes too much information. You look at that as, I’m supposed to be sitting here and talking and getting to know this man, [which] includes me telling him all my business. Like, shut it up already!…So what ends up happening, is I got one more person with all my secrets, all of my business, and I don’t really know if I’m gonna be with him. You’re trying to emotionally hook him in, and all he wants to do is have sex with you, if that’s the case. So just keep it simple, have fun, laugh, enjoy yourself, but just shut up! I know that sounds harsh as hell, but stop talking so much when you first meet people.”

Rev Run came from a different angle and says that women should continue to work hard while giving a man attention at the same time, praising Beyoncé for doing a great job of that, keeping her focus on her career while still giving attention to her now husband Jay-Z:

“I like the way Beyonce and Jay-Z played out: they came together, but I believe in my mind, Beyonce stayed on her game. She stayed dancing, making her videos, she kept it moving; she gave him attention, but she gave her career a lot of attention too. … So for me, stay focused. In the Bible, the book of Ruth talks about Ruth and Boaz. I talk about this in the book, that Ruth was out in the field, doing her thing, and when King Boaz came to town, all of the women were like, “Oh my god, Boaz is here!” She just, “I acknowledge he’s a big tall, handsome man, yeah. But I got work to do and I’m not playing it like I don’t notice him, but definitely gotta finish up my job.” And he took note of her, and this young lady captured the king by staying on her job. Sometimes, you have to just – not to a point where he thinks, oh she’s trying to act like she doesn’t notice me. No, that’s too much; you do that, then you’ll lose him completely. But at least stay on your grind of what you were doing. Love yourself first before you invite somebody else into your world to love with you. Don’t get too caught up in going from not knowing a person to giving all your energy to them.”

And in reference to Rev Run’s comments about Beyoncé, in her HBO Documentary that aired last night, Beyoncé revealed that she talked to Jay-Z over the phone for over a year as friends before they went on their very first date, an interesting piece of info that a lot of people were unaware of.

What’s your take on Rev Run and Tyrese’s comments?


  1. I agree with Rev Run! I think Bey was really smart about her love life and very wise to keep it private for all these years.

  2. WTF is Tyrese talking about?! Who told this fool to write a book? Did Rev Run not read Tyrese’s tweets before he cosigned this sh-t?

  3. I agree with some of the points Rev Run made regarding Bey, but I have to admit I am a bit annoyed with the wave of black men penning books on why black women can’t find a man. Look at the ones giving the advice tho…Tyrese couldn’t even stay married and has commitment issues. Steve Harvey is a fool in a tacky country suit, and Rev Run is well…Rev Run. The only thing women need to do is use their common sense. If you want a serious relationship, be serious when you date and select men. If he’s not acting like he’s serious about you, keep it moving. Don’t ignore the good guys, look for more than superficial qualities, & pray for a husband before you start taking applications for one. Just be sure to ask God for the right CHARACTERISTICS of a husband. You don’t need a book to find love. Just a lot of common sense.

  4. I wish Tyrese would just go sit down somewhere. I can’t understand why he feels he’s the authority on anything.

  5. Black women need to wake up and realize they are being taken advantage of. These fools are making money off of black women and they shouldn’t be. The only BOOK our mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers used to get any kind of relationship advice was the Bible! And they stayed married forever! IJS!

  6. Honestly, I agree with both. When I met my husband everyone was all over him but I stayed on my grind going to work and school. He was impressed with that and that’s how we started talking. I didn’t get into all of my business until I knew he was serious and then I told him take it or leave it. Women get so sensitive when men give advice on how to keep one. No one ever said that everyone was perfect…but they gave their piece and it works for the most part.

  7. Married woman here that didn’t need a book by Steve Harvey or Tyrese to get a man. All it takes is common sense. It’s not rocket science. The funny thing is CalaypsoCandy, do you see black women writing books in droves and telling black men how to find and keep a black woman? No you don’t. Tyrese doesn’t even date black women anymore, but now he wants to give us advice?! Hilarious. This is about money for Steve Harvey, Tyrese, and Rev Run. And it’s about time women wake up and realize we are being used. I’m glad to see most of the women on here are too smart for the foolishness. Again, all we need is common sense, and God’s guidance to find love.

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