Kanye Confuses Fans After He Screams Repeatedly & Drops Mic

Photo Credit: Rodrigo Ferrari
Photo Credit: Rodrigo Ferrari

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Kanye West’s performances have been known to be pretty controversial. The rapper has no qualms with wearing some rather interesting pieces of fashion during his performances, and he has even sported some bizarre looking masks at some of his recent shows. And when he’s not wearing some extreme wardrobe choices, it’s pretty standard for Kanye to have an epic rant in the middle of his show. Kanye’s most recent rant has caused quite the stir as he took shots at President Obama, Jay-Z’s new song with Justin Timberlake, and even his own close friend Beyonce. While some are speculating that Kanye is most likely lashing out because he’s angry over the media’s treatment of his current romance with reality star Kim Kardashian, others feel it’s just plain jealousy considering that Jay-Z just confirmed that he will be touring with Justin Timberlake very soon.

Regardless, it appears that Kanye’s very bizarre behavior on stage continues since he left some of his own fans puzzled the other night when he began to scream repeatedly in the microphone in the middle of one of his performances.

The rapper screamed intensely for several moments before he then dropped the mic, and walked off the stage.

Interestingly enough, at the show the night after his latest rant about Jay-Z, Obama, and Beyonce; he told fans that he feels better now that he’s gotten his feelings out in the air.

He says:

“I feel good tonight. I’m feeling real good tonight. Yesterday, I wasn’t doing so well, but I got some sh*t off my chest so now I’m feeling good tonight. I’m feelin good tonight, extra, extra, extra good tonight.”


Check out the footage of Kanye’s screaming and mic dropping below:


  1. I can’t believe people are still paying good money to watch this queen throw tantrums on stage…wait, no I do actually. Sh-t’s quite entertaining.

    1. I can’t stand Kim but can’t blame it all on her. Kanye was nutty before they got together. I just think the negativity surrounding their relationship is making him go off. But he knew what he was signing up for.

  2. Kanye is such an idiot. He wants so badly to become one of the greats and he thinks that means he has to be weird as hell. But the greats made sure their weirdness made sense. This idiot just looks like a but case on stage. I’m over him.

  3. He still isn’t over his mom’s death. He really needs counseling. And a break from music. He never took any time off and it’s showing now that he needed to.

    1. I agree. I also think his mom was the only one who kept it real with him. Everyone else just smiles and goes along with his stupidity. And Kim is clearly not going to say anything when he gets out of line. So with no one around to keep him grounded, this is the result. Very sad and unfortunate.

  4. Beyonce is on the cover of SI swimsuit edition, perhaps that’s why he’s having a meltdown. Lol. Team Carter keeps on winning. F@#king hilarious. Ease up Beyonce before he goes postal. Wow and to think he once said he wants a woman like Beyonce. Lol guess now we know where all the ranting coming from. Everytime he picks up a magazine there’s Beyonce (side-eye at Kim) . Damn..

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