By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Things between Dwyane Wade and his ex-wife Siovaughn Wade ended on a very nasty note. Both the professional basketball player and his former wife blame each other for the demise of their marriage, and both have claimed that the other wasn’t being faithful. As a result of the nasty breakup and rumors of infidelity, we can’t say anyone expected anything less than a nasty custody battle for the kids. The couple’s two sons have had to watch their parents battle things out in court and make heinous claims about each other, however, Siovaughn hasn’t had the best of luck with the legal system. D Wade won full custody of the two boys and Siovaughn says it’s because of his celebrity that he was given so many advantages that would help him beat the custody battle. Siovaughn was also arrested recently and charged with attempted kidnapping of the boys when did not return them to their father at the court ordered time. She claimed later in an interview that D Wade misses appointments and doesn’t always turn over their sons to her at the court ordered times, so she didn’t think it was fair that she was punished when she returned the favor. As a result of the incident, she said a few months ago that she hasn’t seen her sons in several months at the request of the court.
Siovaughn made a recent appearance on Dr. Phil, and she says she feels the judge over the custody case was biased and too big of a NBA fan to be fair.
She says:
“Well a lot of it had to do with Mr. Wade’s celebrity and a lot of it had to do with his money. But I’ve seen the court system in a way that I’ve never seen it before. I went into that place hoping to get help for my children and I, but I found judges in the courtroom quoting statistics for Mr. Wade. They would speak about him as if they were introducing the starting lineup for a basketball game.
“One time we were doing scheduling and we were asking when would Mr. Wade come in and testify. And she was saying, ‘Oh, I know when he’ll be in Chicago. They play the Bulls and right now they’re in Philadelphia.’ She knew all of these things and she’d say all the time, ‘I’m a huge basketball fan.’ I was sort of hoping she’d be a fan of justice, but I found otherwise.”
Siovaughn also acknowledged that she has a very violent and angry image. While she admits she knows she is not perfect, she feels like her negative image is actually more so a result of the doings of D Wade’s former publicist:
“Well, my ex husband had a publicist. And as far as the records reveal, it [D Wade’s publicist’s retainer fee] may have been approximately $20,000 per month. When you’re able to pay someone that amount of money a month to plant your stories…
“I’ll say this…I’m not perfect. There’s no perfect parent. As far as being intentionally absent or intentionally harmful to my children, I won’t take that because that would be incorrect.”
Check out the trailer for the episode below:
I feel sorry for her but she really needs to move on and look toward the future. What’s done is done she needs to concentrate on her kids. Dwyane will get what’s coming to him. Stop focusing on the negativity and focus on regaining your kids.
I agree! I couldn’t have said it better.
What ‘exactly’ is coming to Mr. Wade? Why exactly does he have whatever is ‘coming to him’ coming to him?
Because it is apparent that he is alienating “their” kids from her by using his money and status. That is wrong regardless of how he feels about her she is their mother. Kids need a relationship with both parents. If he is worried about the children’s safety have supervised visits. But don’t intentionally sabotage her relationship with the children then parade around on tv and magazines as father of the year. She is not innocent either like I said she needs to stay off tv and concentrate on rebuilding her relationship with the children. Both of them need to stop acting like opponents and start acting like parents.
*Hugs* THANK YOU!!!!
How exactly is it ‘apparent’ that he is alienating ‘their’ kids from their mother? He has primary custody and she has visitation right. This is how it is for millions of men in America. Are those men being alienated from their kids as well?
Mr. Wade, even after all that they had been through together including her antics that upset the presiding judge in her own custody battle, was STILL willing to share custody with the mother of their children.
How exactly did he intentionally sabotage her relationship with their children? You’ve made two very bold assertions yet have not bolstered said assertions with any evidence.
All i’m saying is D wade isn’t innocent and has used his money and status to paint her in a negative picture. While crafting a public persona that paints him in a positive picture. Who’s to say she wouldn’t do it either, she has done it. With that being said she gave him some ammunition and is still giving him ammo by appearing on tv. Regardless if it’s a man or woman I would still feel the same way. Instead of him using his power and money to paint her negatively and build him up he should use it to work out a decision both can live with it and be content with. The same goes for her stop being the victim and painting him negatively and try to work with him for the children.It’s sad when either parent uses the kids against each other. I use to work at an image consultant firm and I am aware of him promoting the doting single father and the obvious writing book about fatherhood are all subtle tactics and aims at her. Her tactics are direct while his are subtle. Both are wrong. I don’t know neither of them I’m just giving my opinion on what I read and see. That’s it you and I can agree to disagree. I respect your opinion.
Fantastic response! Thank you for taking the time to craft a well thought out reply. That said… I agree with you on the main. He simply has more savvy people on his payroll so his methods are a bit more subtle.
Neither party is innocent in this instance as few people are in matters of the heart but I think that he’s simply doing a better job of crafting the more personable image. His ex-wife had to know from the beginning that her hand was the weaker hand and that the court of public opinion would deal harshly with her if she insisted on making this issue contentious.
When she accused him of having given her an STD only to find out that she got it by cheating on him while they were married and getting it from the other guy while giving the other guy money (presumable Mr. Wade’s) to get an apartment, I know that it was going to be ugly and that Mr. Wade would be going for the jugular.
Based on your experience as an Image Consultant (taking morality out of the equation) what would you have advised his ex-wife to do?
We definitely agree on one thing and that is this:
Both of them need to stop acting like opponents and start acting like parents.
There is a caveat though… I honestly believe that the unjust and money hungry, wealth transferring family court system is at it’s core adversarial. This system forces people to behave as opponents as opposed to partners in the welfare and well being of their children.
She really needs to let it go…NOW.
It’s sad and very unfortunate she lost her sons because D Wade has the money and star power but she has to move on for her own sanity. She needs to let God deal with this. He’s a lot better at handling our problems than we are.
Say that!
Maybe… just maybe she was not awarded primary custody of the children because she behaved poorly. Maybe Mr. Wade is actually the better parent for the children. Maybe…
It’s really not that serious. You’re too grown to not be able to handle that people don’t have to see things the way you do. It’s call DISAGREEING. Your responses on here are shameful. Carry on if it makes you feel better though.
Really? It’s shameful to respond to someone who posts a response to an article on a public blog? What am I missing here? lol! This is incredible. I’m not taking it ‘that seriously’. Sheesh! What’s wrong with you people (I’m a black man and am using the term ‘you people’ to literally mean the people in this specific blog post. lol).
I have no issue with individuals disagreeing with me. I state my position and defend it. The other person states their position and defends it… that’s the way of internet message boards and forums. I’m not upset or angry or any other negative emotion. I’m actually smiling as I type this… The purpose of these posts is to spark debate and conversation. I’m debating and conversing. lol!
Are you an attorney? If not, you should be. And that’s not shade. But I think you would make a good one. I’m not trying to debate though. I don’t have the energy to after the day I’ve had…
@Hater. Not taken as shade at all. I’m not an attorney though. I’m simply relaxing after a crazy day of dealing with clients and trying to get people to actually pay their invoices ON TIME lol! I definitely understand hard days. I know that you don’t know me from a can of paint but… is there anything I can do to assist you? I definitely believe in paying it forward.
When will it stop?! We get it! Now please move on!!!
I hate what happened to her because I’m sure they BOTH messed up in the marriage! But unfortunately she’s the only way paying for her mistakes. D Wade will get his tho! God sees everything!
I see she still likes to pull the sympathy card. Don’t be fooled. This chick is certified crazy. The court made the right decision.
Thank GAWD someone has some sense around here.
It’s so scary that our politicians and judges can be purchased. Damn.
Do you have any proof that this judge was purchased? If so please provide the proof. If not your comment is not germane to the matter at hand.
She’s still talking about this…sigh
She lost her kids though. Wouldn’t you still be talking about it too?
Thank you.
Fathers lose their kids EVERY SINGLE DAY in this country. It’s the norm. However when a woman clearly behaves poorly and as a result is not deemed to be the best person to raise the children that they BOTH created it’s a travesty? Wow…
Such a sad situation. I hate that these famous black men are paying and stealing these kids away from their mothers. Usher, D Wade, and Deion Sanders will get theirs in due time.
THIS. Smh.
Stealing? Stealing? Are fathers not supposed to have custody of their kids too? Are mothers the only parent that deserves to have custody? Wow… please leave now with your misandry.
Maybe if you weren’t so busy trying to make yourself look superior to everyone else who has posted comments on here you would have thought a little before you responded. Yes, I said stolen. I say that because they have FULL custody, meaning they DO NOT SHARE custody. That is stealing. Had they put their egos to the side and at least agreed to joint custody with these women then I wouldn’t have typed what I did. Now good day.
Your vitriol is wasted on me. I’ve seen the devastation that the family court system wreaks on families. Furthermore, I’m not ‘trying’ to do anything. Your assertion that I am ‘trying’ to do a particular thing is more of a reflection of you than it is of me.
The definition of stolen (past participle of ‘steal’ is:
1. To take (the property of another) without right or permission.
While there are other definitions, this one is the one that fits the pejorative comment that you’ve put forth here.
In essence your position is that the children were hers and hers alone and not ‘their’ children. How can one steal what doesn’t belong to the other person outright? Maybe if you weren’t so busy trying to make this father be the monster that you’re envisioned him being you would have thought a little before you used a word that is clearly not applicable in this situation.
I hope that you are as adamant about lambasting women who have ‘full custody’ of the children that they have ‘stolen’ from their fathers. Somehow, however, I doubt that you are.
That essay was not needed…I disagree with you completely. And that’s my right. Now write another essay if you need to. #AgreetoDisagree
Typical. You’re unable to defend your position and unwilling to admit that you may have been inaccurate. smh. Nice try. I’m feeling generous this evening however and will be gracious enough to allow you the last word.
So sad…damnit D Wade.
Ugh! I get mad every time I read one of her interviews. If Dwyane Wade is the father of the year like he claims, he should have at least worked it out so they could co-parent. That was the right thing to do.
So basically… Woman = Good and Man = Bad. Got it. Carry on.
How in the world did you get THAT from my comment? LOL. Hilarious.
LOL exactly. Smh.
Your comment:
If (by placing the word ‘if’ at the beginning of your statement you have set the stage for whatever claim that is made in the rest of the sentence to be invalid)
Dwyane Wade is the father of the year like he claims (I personally have not seen anywhere where Mr. Wade has claimed to be the “Father of the Year”. Please provide sources to bolster your assertion),
he should (why should he have done anything aside from what he did, which by the way, was to let his ex-wife hang herself -metaphorically speaking of course-?)
have at least worked it out (It seems as though Mr. Wade is being granted God-like powers of persuasion and control over the family court system.
so they could co-parent. If I recall correctly Mr. Wade attempted to go that route but was thwarted at every turn by the antics of his ex.
That was the right thing to do. The right thing for who? I’ve heard many times individuals of the fairer sex say that it’s better to leave an abusive situation and take the children than to stay in it. It seems as though that is good for the gander is not good for the goose.
For your consideration… a few of the more egregious antics that the former Mrs. Wade has pulled… Note… this is court documented testimony.
1. He testified that on a number of occasions, his former wife tried to keep him from visiting his children by not responding to texts, e-mail messages or phone calls and taking them to a hospital or claiming they were sick about the time of the scheduled visit. At least twice, police intervened, Wade said. (This has been proven by police reports)
2. Siohvaughn Wade became controlling, argumentative and would lose her temper, once slashing his four tires because she didn’t want him to go out on his birthday, Wade alleged.
3. The judge in the case, Marya Nega, issued a warrant for the arrest of the mother saying she was tired of Funches’s antics and what she called a pattern of behavior by Siohvaughn Funches throughout the course of the divorce proceedings. (This is the JUDGE speaking and not Mr. Wade)
4. Siohvaughn Wade had not followed an order to make sure the couple’s two children talk to their father every day. (A court order mind you… again… this is the Judge speaking and not Mr. Wade)
5. Nega, the Judge, also noted the children were not at their Chicago school to be picked up by Dwyane Wade’s sister as the judge had ordered. (She’s effectively defying the orders of the courts)
Interestingly enough… Even after all that he was still willing to share joint custody as long as their oldest son was able to attend a special needs school (which the court has determined that the little boy needs) and she said no because she believed their son is fine. This is all court documented.
You ask how I got what I got out of your post… you’ve placed all of the blame on Mr. Wade and none of the responsibility for this state of affairs on the mother of the children. ergo Woman = Good and Man = Bad.
You my dear have way too much time on your hands to have written a full essay on people you don’t even know. We write our opinion and move on here. You either need to be D Wade, Gabriel Union, or D Wade’s publicist for this not to be pathetic…
@Morgan, please allow me to introduce to you the logical fallacy referred to as Ad Hominem:
An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting).
Have a fantastic day.
I see D Wade’s people are on here doing damage control in the damn comment section…sigh.
I see ignorant people are on here doing their best impression of a popular work by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
(I don’t really expect you to get it. It’s OK.)
Who the hell is writing these long essays? Get your life!!!!! It’s NOT that serious. Trust me. People disagree all the time. That’s doing too much. Sheesh.
LOL. I agree. We disagree on here all the time…some people just don’t know how to do that though. Pity.
🙂 Because I work hard and own my own company I am afforded the time to come to this site and others to advocate for that in which I believe. I enjoy vigorous debate and have no issue with individuals disagreeing with me. It would be nice if said individuals were able to defend their positions but alas I may be expecting too much.
You own a business? Congrats to you…I like to see that.
Yes… If you’re interested in starting something of your own I would definitely be more than willing to share the knowledge that I have. This school of hard knocks is a beast. I have no problem helping others avoid the pitfalls.
Agreed! *Waves at WhatWhat* Where you been boo?
Working for the man…and trying to win the lottery so I don’t have to. LOL. I’m watching it now.
Oh and the episode is on now y’all!
Yeah using “big words” doesn’t make you look smart when you are on here writing essays about strangers…anyway, I have to say I think Siovaughn brought a lot of this on herself. She made bad choices. But hey, it is what it is. Time for her to move on.
Big words? Looking smart? lol! What types of people are in your circle? I’m typing as I speak on a daily basis. What big words? Whew! You slay me! smh…
That said… I tend to agree with your position.
I just need plenty of sleep…LOL! But thanks for listening and being considerate. We may not agree on this, but you seem like a good person. At least you didn’t have to curse me out to prove a point. That’s rare on the internet. LOL.
The internet is a cruel place indeed but as a general rule I tend to not curse out my sisters. 🙂