By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Kenya Moore and Phaedra Parks’ beef over their fitness DVDs has been a pretty nasty one, and although Kenya seems to still be outselling Phaedra on Amazon, it doesn’t look like the feud will be letting up any time soon. On part one of the reunion, both of the reality star rivals took their same positions of the beef to the stage as Kenya slammed Phaedra’s body and called her too fat to make workout DVDs, and Phaedra blasted Kenya for having what she says is a fake body. Things got so heated between them that Kenya resorted to telling Phaedra that she would knock her teeth out, a threat that left many people stunned and angry. Although Kenya tried to backtrack from the comment and admitted it was out of line in her recent Bravo blog, a lot of people feel she went too far in threatening a very pregnant Phaedra Parks.
Phaedra took to her recent Bravo blog to speak on the matter and says she feels Kenya’s threat further proves that she may have some mental issues. She writes:
“Following the first part of the reunion, I received numerous emails and calls concerning the physical threat Kenya made towards me. I really appreciate everyone’s concerns. However, as we have all seen this season, being inappropriate is the norm for Kenya, but I was even taken aback that she would actually threaten to physically strike an eight month pregnant woman. While violence is never acceptable under any circumstance, to even think about hitting a pregnant woman is horrifically despicable and evidences anything but sanity. Even though she attempted to portray my supporters in a less than favorable light, please know that I am grateful for your support and I think that you are the best!”
Phaedra also decided to turn the tables on Kenya for calling her fat and suggested her comments are irresponsible and further demonstrates that she isn’t qualified to put out a fitness DVD:
“During the reunion and prior episodes, Kenya has commented that I am “fat” and should not be doing a workout video, which is laughable. However, in a society where young girls and women struggle with body image issues that lead to deadly illnesses such as bulimia and anorexia, it is very irresponsible for a person whose entire body shape is due to plastic surgery to criticize any woman who is natural. Furthermore, it is fraud for her to suggest that she achieved her physique through exercise rather than plastic surgery intervention. If she were being honest, she would just give a referral to her plastic surgeons, rather than make a workout DVD. Many of you didn’t know I was pregnant when we shot our DVD. Nonetheless, my husband and I made our DVD for people much like ourselves who work regular jobs, are parents, and want to work out rather than opt to have plastic surgery. Everybody knows everyone isn’t tall; everyone isn’t skinny; and everyone isn’t voluptuous, but every body is beautiful and deserves to be celebrated. Our DVD strives to help people be comfortable in their own skin while enjoying an effective workout.”
LOL Phaedra is so sneaky.
I see no lies in what Phaedra said but I’m all for being classy but Kenya has crossed the line two many times with Phaedra. She has tried her too many times. Somethings warranted getting your a-s slapped.
Kenya made herself look so bad when she said that to Phaedra. I find it hilarious that Phaedra gets under her skin so much.
Read her Phaedra!
The ratchet in me kind of wishes Phaedra would just slap the hell out of Kenya.
Me too girl.
Phaedra over Kenya’s annoying a-s any day.
All I have to say is Phaedra did choose a bad outfit when she recorded her booty video. It did not enhance her body at all( lime green???? really?????) and it stunned me that she actually thought she rocked it in that outfit. I’m all for self confidence and good body image ……..however she did not do herself any favors choosing what she did. …….and now she said she was pregnant too…….I do believe she was pregnant but I don’t believe she was noticably pregnant. I do not trust her.
Can’t stand Kenya. #TeamPhaedra
Phaedra should have put Kenya in her place a long time ago.
So over the DVD thing…lets move on…..Kenya has shown her class throughout the season….Her actions speak volumes…..when her feathers are ruffled, watch out…the demon appears….she can’t handle the truth…
Everytime Kenya opens her mouth she sounds like a Stupid B, I’m looking at the reunion riight now and I just want to slap the sh-t out of her. Just keep your cool Phaedra classy always outshines stupidity.
Kenya Moore will do any thing !!! to B noticed ….How sad she’s so thirsty…lol lol lol
Go head Pha Pha! Kenya is crazy. Kenya is not sorry for what she said, she’s just sorry it was caught on camera. Phadera should sue her!
I do know we all have our say, but all I see how everyone talking bout how kenya did or said to phadera,but when ms nene bust her out and ms.cynthia ms girl try to change the sh-t. Phadera would have got her a-s kick had she dip in someone else family. Don’t fault kenya if you can’t fault phadera
Phadera said Kenya was bipolar and I agree. Who in their “right mind” would come to a charity event with booty pads and that outfit she had on, If that wasn’t crazy I don’t know what is. I could see if it was an a gathering with just the girls on the show but the press was there, other people were there to see Kenya be the crazy person she said she’s not. All I know is nobody looked crazier than Kenya proving that Phadera was right!
I can see why some people may say Kenya was crazy for that part at the party she came looking the way she was. But also we must remember kenya also went thru an ordeal,but I feel that peter on this last show need to shut the hell up he taken up for walter damn is he f____k up or wanna f—k him. But all the women in this show is crazy but nene is the coolest