By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Are Ciara and Future engaged? It’s pretty clear that Ciara has found happiness in her current romance with rapper Future, but loyal fans of the R&B singer have already started to question if her romance has taken priority over her music these days. But it now appears that Future’s fans may now be able to ask the same question, and even more so, those that book him for appearances at their nightclubs. It’s being reported that Future did not show up to an appearance at Pulse, a Las Vegas nightclub, because he got into an argument with Ciara, and the club owners are furious that he was a no-show considering they paid him to attend. Apparently the club owner and booking manager for Pulse called into The Breakfast Club the other day to spill the tea and they also slipped up and said the lovebirds are engaged. Here’s the scoop from Mstarz:
This is how it all went down, allegedly Future and Ciara were beefing as their was some dispute about how they were getting to the event and what cars Ci Ci and Future would ride in. The company tried to appease the fickle celebs with a stretch limo and town car; however, they were not to their liking. Finally the club arranged for four SVU’s to retrieve Ciara, Future, and their entourage to shuttle them to the scheduled event, but the couple decided that they were going to skip it and dine at a nearby steakhouse.
After that last act of disrespect, the club kicked Ciara and Future out of the rooms they booked for them on account that Future was scheduled to appear at the club. Getting kicked out of the hotel was obviously not part of Rocko, Future’s manager’s plans. He called into New York’s Power 105.1 to vent about the issue as he blamed Ciara.
“I don’t give a d*mn about Ciara. I didn’t book Ciara,” Cliff Dutton, Pusle club Promoter told The Breakfast Club.
The owner of Pulse, Kiki, is the one that said Ciara and Future are engaged:
“I know he got engaged and he’s in love and all that, but when you gotta work, man up and get to work Future. You had a commitment to us. We had to call out 30 Metro officers to secure our building when we announced that he wasn’t going to show up.”
Apparently Future was paid $46,000 to make the appearance and the club owner says she plans on filing a lawsuit to retrieve the money paid to the rapper.
Check out the Breakfast Club interview below:
Engaged? Already?! And Future should have just went on and made the appearance. Lord knows he could use the money. He has all those baby mommas asking for child support.
ciaira done been with everybody and they momma
Sounds like the honeymoon ended and they got into their first real argument. It happens. Either way, he should have showed up to the club and just kept it professional. He’s too new in the game to ruin his image so soon. These club owners do talk. No need to burn a bridge this early.
That’s what I’m sensing too….first argument and they blew it out of proportion by not just making the appearance.
I have to agree with you boo!!!!
Engaged!!!! I just can’t…
Both of them were out of line if this is true. Acting like divas and not showing up to gigs you were already paid to do is not a good look. They need to get it together.
I hope you will all slam Ciara for being unprofessional like you did Rihanna the other day for being late to her concert. I’ll wait…
Why would we? It was Future’s event. Not Ciara’s. And Ciara is always professional and shows up to her concerts on time. #UMad?
LOL. You hell girl. Both of you have me laughing at your stan wars!!!
This right here is just too much. First of all, how are you engaged and you’ve only been dating for a few months? I hope they are not really engaged. It’s just too soon to be engaged and sporting tattoos. And Future gets all the blame here because it was HIS appearance. Not Ciara’s. No matter what was going on with her he should have showed up. IJS.
What in the world? Engaged!!!!! Ciara needs to slow down!!!! I hope she is not set on marrying this man already. It takes people a good year at LEAST to start showing their true colors. Slow down girl!
It’s way too early for them to be engaged…they are wildin.
This is not a good look for either of them. Future should have went to the club and Ciara should have told him to go and do the right thing.
Engaged? I can’t get past that part. Way too soon for marriage!!!!
Dang ok now Ciara my girl and I want her to win in all departments but this is too fast. Im not sure what sweet NOTHINGS he has whispered but they must be good LOL!
I figured they were engaged though because of the matching tatts!
This is too fast to be engaged! They just started dating! And he should have showed up to the appearance. The argument sounds stupid and it wasn’t serious enough for him to miss his appearance. He’s going to ruin his career before it gets started!
lmao I’m gonna sit back and watch this “relationship” fad away.
It’s fade, not fad! You’re sad. Lol!
Girl, get a life. You’re spending too much time on someone you claim you don’t like. I hope you’re one of Future’s bitter baby mommas. If not, you’re even more pathetic.
Oh and another thing. People are saying how she getting engaged to him and they have been dating for a few months, well check out some of ciara interview and you will get a different time length on each interview regarding how long she known him and when it started. Somebody is not telling the truth.
Wow if u google who is 50 cent dating go into that link where its lots of pic of 50 and woman hes dated ull c this one pic on page 3 or 4 its a pic of ciara and rhiana they talk abput ciara stalkn men and how she was tryna creep wit chris brown one night but he passed on her he laughed it off at first til he noticed she was in the club stalkn him and it talk about how fifty said she ket calln him sayn ahe loved him after it was over she did that alot and 50 said when they dated she called alot and o her x a while ago a ball player pro ummm broke up wit her and proposed to his x girl it was crazy they talked bout how she falls in love real fast and stalks men i thnk its so sad ciara cant be a woman she so tight its sad they cant be bout biz like jay z and eyonce i bet she or they argue over dum stuff they lil fling wont last long i had no idea ciara spreads herself like that theyre such a cute couple thats to bad and thats what people want to see i wish theyd get it together