Kanye Goes off on Paparazzi, Again

Photo Credit: TMZ/SplashNews
Photo Credit: TMZ/SplashNews

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Kanye West is regarded as one of the most outspoken music artists of today, but it’s also no secret that he has a tendency to go off on the paps of any given day. The rapper has also had legal troubles as a result of getting too physical with the paps, and he’s not above snatching their cameras and tossing them to the ground. His most recent confrontation with a pap happened last year when a female pap asked Kim how she felt after hearing that her ex boyfriend Reggie Bush was expecting a child. Kanye went completely off on the woman, but ended up making peace with her later by offering a hug when he spotted her again. But now it appears that he’s had yet another incident with a pap, and this latest incident is the result of him being enraged that he ran into a street sign head first while trying to avoid getting snapped by the paps. Although he tried to walk his rage off and entered into a restaurant close by with girlfriend Kim Kardashian, TMZ reports he ran out of the restaurant minutes later and went completely off on a pap who was standing outside:

West just emerged from a restaurant in L.A. and exploded on a photog — not a TMZ guy — screaming at the cameraman to stop taking photos, ASAP.

Minutes before the incident, Kanye had banged his head into a metal sign while trying to hide his face from a pack of paparazzi … and blamed it on the snappers.

West restrained himself from going after the paps in the moments after the head-slamming, only to emerge from the eatery minutes later … even angrier than he was before.

The pap told West he had just arrived on the scene — and meant no harm.


Check out the video of Kanye going off on the pap. We do have to warn you that Kanye is using lots of profanity, so this isn’t safe for work.



  1. This has been a bad week for Kimye. Not only did Kim end up becoming the laughing stock at the Met Gala, but Kanye has just made a fool out of himself again because he was trying so hard not get snapped by the paps. But his girlfriend was willing to be humiliated for attention the other day at the Met Gala. Oh the irony.

    1. Agreed. He’s been on a downward spiral for a minute too. But I don’t think he can handle the backlash he’s getting from being with Kim.

  2. This is hilarious. I must have watched this five times already. As arrogant as Kanye is, he needed to be humbled a little. LOL.

  3. I saw the video of him hitting his head. He hit it hard too! I know Kim is embarrassed. These two have been the laughing stock of Hollywood ever since they got together.

  4. This is what Kanye signed up for when he decided to be with Kim. He hates the paps, she calls the paps. This will not end well.

    1. I completely agree. I think he’s cracking under the pressure of all the attention she draws. And not just any attention, but negative attention. Yeah, people hated him before. But it’s worse now.

  5. I don’t feel sorry for him. He wanted Kim because of what she looks like. He got on his little songs and bragged about how much better she looks than other females. But she’s tainted. You pay a price to be with her. Now he sees that and it’s too late. He has to deal with her for 18 years.

  6. Karma. He wanted to call himself a god, now he will pay the price. It’s only going to get worse from here Kanye. Humble yourself or be humbled!

  7. I’m confused as to why he’s mad at the paps. He’s the one who wanted to be silly and walk with his head to the ground. Of course you’ll walk into a street sign if you’re not looking up to see where you’re walking!

  8. Nut case. And this is what Kim wants for her child”s father. Boy I don’t want to be around when they break up…..which will happen. He needs to start worrying when the Paps stop thinking he isn’t worth taking picture of.

  9. He’s having a meltdown. He don’t know this is what his baby momma loves. I must say I love his bow legs, they sexy as hell

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