Kelly Rowland Admits to Being Jealous of Beyonce in New Song

The official cover to Kelly's new single "Dirty Laundry."
The official cover to Kelly’s new album, “Talk A Good Game.”

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Kelly Rowland and Beyonce have always had a close friendship that pretty much sums up why they refer to one another as sisters. But when it comes to their solo music careers, people have always questioned if things were all good between them. Beyonce has had plenty of success in her solo career, and now she still stands as one of the biggest stars in music. Kelly hasn’t had the same success, and in comparison, she has struggled to make a name for herself and her recent solo albums have struggled to gain any kind of steam. With a new album dropping soon, Kelly has promised to reveal a different side of herself and she has decided to open up more in her music. In her new single, “Dirty Laundry,” the R&B singer admits to the world that although she does love Beyonce as a sister, she was jealous at a time of all of her success. In the new single, she sings:

“When my sister was on stage killin’ it like a motherf*cker
I was enraged, feelin’ it like a motherf*cker
Bird in a cage
You would never know what I was dealin’ with
Went our separate ways but I was happy she was killin’ it
She was up, I was down
No lie, I feel good for her but what do I do now?
Forget the records, off the record
I was goin’ through some bullsh*t
Post-Survivor, she on fire, who wanna hear my bullsh*t?”


She also sings about a past abusive relationship.

Wow. We have to say, we love that Kelly was honest and we’re loving this rawness she keeps giving us in her new music. But check out the new single for yourself below and let us know what you think in the comment section.


    1. Exactly. If people aren’t a little jealous of you, then you aren’t doing something right! I still love Kelly, but at least she wasn’t disrespectful with her jealousy. She instead fueled it into making her career better. That’s what real grown women do. Take notes Keyshia, Keri, and all the rest of you bum bishes.

  1. This is why I love her. It’s hard to admit to things like that. I will be supporting this new album.

  2. Most people are jealous of Beyonce. Even people who aren’t famous. She’s just too successful and people hate that. I’m glad Kelly kept it real. I like the song so far.

  3. I figured this already. LOL. I like the song. Get em Kelly. It’s human to be jealous sometimes, but it’s what you do with the jealousy that determines your character.

    1. “It’s human to be jealous sometimes, but it’s what you do with the jealousy that determines your character.” <<<< I swear I read some of the best quotes in this comment section daily. LOL.

  4. Now Beyhive please don’t take my head off for this but it needs to be said. Beyonce is only human. As fabulous as she is, there is no reason to be jealous of any human, even Beyonce.

    1. Beyonce has what a lot of people want. Instead of going after their dreams, they sit on their butts and hate on her all day. If you’re not doing what you’re supposed to do, you’ll be jealous of the next person. That’s life.

  5. I love Kelly so honest. Jealousy is apart of life. Hate is the problem when you take jealousy to the extreme. I respect Kelly because she has never said anything bad about Beyonce.

  6. Honesty, I think that is something Kelly should have kept to herself. It’s like she is required to keep talking about her. When is Kelly going to come into her own and stop talking about how great Beyonce is?

    1. I see your point but the sex wasn’t selling for Kelly so why not use Bey to catapult herself to fame? Unfortunately, she’s not a strong enough artist to do it alone. I respect her though doing this. I’m hoping her album sales. She deserves it.

  7. Heard the song this morning on the radio and I was wowed by they words! Kelly has always been my favorite DC and I’m rooting for her to finally have her time to shine!

  8. Ok so they totally took her statement n ran with it if u can really read between lines she wasn’t talking bout b’s looks but the fact that B WAS SO BLESSED. N she was practically in HELL I CAN UNDERSTAND wat she meant.

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