By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The Miami Heat might be fighting to take over the Indiana Pacers in the NBA playoffs, but that doesn’t mean the gossip surrounding the personal lives of the team stars has managed to slow down any. Sure, it could be the doings of a Pacers fan, but just a few days after some woman got on Instagram and bragged about the courtside tickets Dwyane Wade allegedly gave her, a new blind item written in the Miami Herald reports that a star on the Miami Heat was busted cheating on his longtime girlfriend by security. As with any blind item, the report didn’t name any names, so of course all anyone can do is put the pieces together and take a big guess on who it’s talking about. The Miami Herald reports:
We hear that a very taken Miami Heat player is having an affair with someone who lives in the King Cole condo in North Beach. Says our spy, “He’s there around midnight after every home game.” Our spy isn’t exaggerating. According to security, this player has repeatedly shown up at midnight and after asking for a particular woman’s apartment. The thing is, that woman is not his significant other. Girlfriend shouldn’t be too shocked considering that not too long ago she was the one with whom her beloved baller was sneaking around.
We’re not going to say any names either, but we think the last sentence will be a giveaway to most about who this blind item is about. As always, get to it in the comment section below.
Where’s that one Gabby fan that called everyone fools the other day? Oh. LOL.
This is easy. Women like Gabby need to understand how you get them is how you will lose them. Of course she’ll hold on to him anyway because she has low self-esteem, she’s in her 40s, and he’s a baller. It’s not like her acting career ever took off. Bless her heart.
Hey, we all know how D Wade gets down. He also cheated like crazy on his wife. It is what he does. And if Gabby did cheat with him while he was married, this is her karma. God don’t like ugly. I bet she won’t tweet about this tho.
Most NBA players are community peen. The sooner everyone learns this, the less shocked people will be when the truth comes out. Dwyane Wade’s PR machine is gangsta, but don’t be fooled by that Father of the Year crap. He’s still a dog.
Agreed. He wasn’t fooling me. I believe every word his wife said.
Considering it’s really only 3 stars on the Miami Heat and one is married, while the other is engaged…only one left has a girlfriend. And well, we already know he cheats on her. That was easy.
Good looks won’t keep a dog from being a dog.
Man, D Wade sure has gotten sloppy with his antics. At least keep it tight enough that the whole world doesn’t know you’re really the scum of the earth your ex wife said you were.
Can’t say I blame him for cheating! I mean, Gabby isn’t going anywhere. And he knows that. When you have low standards, you’ll get low results from a man.
Karma! Next time you’ll keep your legs closed to married men Gabrielle!
Gabby is so thirsty she probably doesn’t even care. She’ll tolerate anything to keep her baller around. Having another athlete has been a goal of hers for years.
But I thought he was happy…
Karma is real!!!!!!!
When you do dirt and will always come back. And eventually D Wade will gets his too.
Not surprised by this.
A woman thanks an athlete for tickets and now they are sneaking around. I wonder if he was just an average person would he get his much attention. The ones talking about karma, I didn’t know GOD stepped down and passed it over to you to judge.
Shut up Gabby. Go work on that bootleg made for BET movie you have coming out with Chris Rock. Everyone isn’t as delusional as you boo. Thank God.