Paris Jackson Suicide Attempt Update: Former Battle with Depression Revealed

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Paris Jackson’s family life clearly isn’t perfect these days, and since her father Michael Jackson’s passing, things haven’t been easy for the teenager. Since the King of Pop passed away, his mother Katherine Jackson was kidnapped and mysteriously reappeared unharmed in Arizona, Michael’s siblings have been bickering over the deceased singer’s money, and then of course is the current wrongful death trial against AEG that pretty much has been keeping the entire family stressed and spending lots of time in court. So it’s no surprise sources close to the Jackson clan are claiming Paris’ recent suicide attempt is proof alone the child is dealing with some major emotional issues and really missing her father. PEOPLE reports:

“[Paris] loves Katherine, but Katherine is dealing with the trial – and Katherine is an old woman. Just getting to the trial and back is a big deal for Katherine. She’s not really capable of giving Paris all the support she needs,” says an insider familiar with the situation.

“It’s really sad,” the insider adds. “Paris is the girl who has everything, but the girl who has nothing. She’s so alone.”

Says the source close to the Jacksons, “Paris went to UCLA Medical Center a few months back for depression and because she was feeling suicidal. She misses her father greatly. She was the center of Michael’s world. And it’s all different now. She’s just one of many grandkids now.”


The site goes on to say Katherine Jackson, T.J. Jackson, and Debbie Rowe all plan to meet in the immediate future to determine what the best home life will be for Paris. It’s unclear as of now if she will continue to live with Katherine or live with Debbie Rowe once she is released from the hospital.


  1. She needs counseling and more attention from her family!!!! I hope it all works out for her. It’s got to be hard to deal with a parent’s death. And when that parent was famous, it has to be even harder because of the public scrutiny that comes with it. She’s practically a celeb herself now by association.

  2. This little girl is suffering because her family is more concerned with her father’s money than her and her siblings. They need to get it together.

  3. Michaels Children need to be adopted, anonymously, into a Family that will Love the Children and raise them to be Loving Beings, like their Father. Why must we always repeat history, wait for something horrible to happen and then Act, AFTER the Fact????? Look at the Entire Jackson Family….. They lost their Identity when Michael finally broke free to claim his independence once he found his Own Individual Voice; his Brothers, Sisters, Mother and Father NEVER forgave him for that. They never understand Who he really is. If they did, Michael would still be incarnated on this Planet, they would have provided the kind of Support and Love to where the outside World would never seek to exploit him and the Family would be caring for his Children well enough to have seen the SIGNS to prevent this! Incredible that Vanity, Greed, Ego knows no bounds in this Family; that is why Michael had/tried to get away, even Completely Changing his outward appearance to totally disassociate from Family that NEVER loved him. I miss his gifts to us, his music, his energy on this planet so much it still makes me cry to hear his Music. Blessings filled with Hope, Honor, Respect, Light and More Love to Paris and her Siblings! Please Love The Children, First!

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