By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
A new Willow Smith controversy is born. Willow Smith has always been pretty good at riling people up considering she is rebellions when it comes to her fashion and hair choices, and although her superstar parents Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith are proud of her fearlessness and refuse to limit her creativity in any way, their lack of desire to be the sole decider of the children’s lives have pretty much made them subjects to the “bad parents” labels. Will and Jada aren’t fazed by the criticism, but Willow hasn’t taken it too well. In fact, it’s one of the reasons she took a break from music despite the huge success of her “Whip My Hair” single. But as promised by Jada, Willow is back to making music and she recently debuted a new music video entitled “Summer Fling.” And this time it’s not Willow’s hair or her fashion choices that has people furious, it’s actually the lyrics of the song causing plenty of controversy. The Daily Mail reports:
She’s just 12-years-old.
But in her new track Willow Smith is heard singing about a rather grown up love affair – leading fans to brand Summer Fling ‘inapporiate’.
‘It’s just a couple months but we do it anyway’, sings precocious Willow.
The lyrics continue: ‘Don’t really care what we do tonight. Good night kisses if the mood is right laying by the beach with you wishing this will never end.’
Adopting a strange British accent she says: ‘Thanks for the summer fling. It was nice.’
In the video her ‘boyfriend’ seems to be much older than her as they embark on a fake summer love affair.
A lot of the other actors appear to be older teenagers.
In another somewhat racy scene Wilow is seen jumping on a trampoline with her female friends while her fake boyfriend picks her up off the ground.
One tweet from the Black Youth Project said: ‘Smith’s new single, “Summer Fling,” has raised eyebrows due to its subject matter and accompanying video.
‘A few op-eds have questioned the idea of a 12-year old having a “summer fling,” and whether or not the whole concept is too mature.’
Check out the music video below and let us know in the comment section if you feel the controversy is warranted.
That wig tho…
I couldn’t get past the wig
Oh Willow
I like Willow…love Jada and Will but why the hell is she singing about a summer fling? LOL what in the world.
She’s too damn grown. But Jada and Will think it’s cute so whatever.
All I’m going to say is Will and Jada are in trouble from Jaden dating a Kardashian and this Willow mess but what do you expect when you let your kids “parent themselves”.
I’m convinced Willow be trolling. She’s hanging around the Kardashians now too? Yeah, she just wants attention.
*blank stare* I can’t even take up for her this time. It sounds like a grown woman wrote these lyrics.
This is too much for a 12 year old. She shouldn’t even know what a fling is. I can understand rebelling with hair and clothes, but why is she singing about a fling? Jesus take the wheel…
Jada and Will will keep thinking this is cute until it’s time to drop her off at rehab.
This child gets on my last nerve. She wants to be grown so bad and she tries too hard to appear “creative” and “talented.” Yet the Kardashians are her bff’s. Please…
LOL at her singing about a summer fling! Stop!
As grown as she acts, she probably has had a summer fling. Smdh.
Damn song sucks!
Our culture is fostering the growth of “grown” children…why is everyone giving Willow such a hard time? If the industry deemed it TRULY inappropriate, it wouldn’t have seen the light of day but yet, here it is. Furthermore, I think this criticism comes from adults reading wayy too much into it. Get your minds out the gutter… a fling is defined as “a short period of enjoyment or wild behavior”. A day at Kings Dominion could be a “fling”. You nasty minded adults made it about sex. Give me a BREAK! *drops mic*
AGREED!!! There is nothing wrong or suggestive about this video! It’s a teenager being a teenager! If she weren’t the child of Will and Jada people would not be as hard on her. smh.
I should create a handle named “Willow’s Wig”.
LOL! I just saw this. 🙂
Just because your child is famous does not mean you should let them act like adults…a twelve year old child with a blonde wig singing about a grown relationship at the beach is ridiculous. Will and Jada need to be ashamed of themselves… wow when she end up like Lindsey Logan they will be alright because that is the direction she is headed in. Wow again a boy picking her up swinging her around is wayyyy to much for me to handle. I am a parent first and as a parent you set the example for your children which means you tell them what is and is not allowed until they are grown enough to make their own decisions. Charity starts at home and spreads abroad. Just because your child makes money does not give them the right to be an adult and make adult decisions. Sad very sad to see how people fail to be good parents because of fame..Will and Jada really should be ashamed to call themselves parents, they are acting more like siblings.
I apologize I take that back about Will and Jada acting more like siblings than parents because I would not let my twelve year old sister sing about loving some boy on the beach…nor would my sisters or brothers let me sing about loving some boy on the beach….sorry siblings for putting you all in an uncaring, disrespectful, classless, irresponsible category.
Love it… I was vibing.