By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
A Future and Ciara wedding in the works? Earlier reports suggested Future and Ciara were engaged and then another report suggested the hot and heavy couple actually tied the knot and had a “spiritual” ceremony during one of their recent vacations together. For Ciara, this is her first public romance because in the past with her romances with rappers 50 Cent and Bow Wow, she hid a lot of their relationship from the public eye and refused to talk about them in her interviews. It’s been a very drastic turn for Ciara since dating Future and she says she feels confident enough to talk about their relationship because she now understands a celebrity shouldn’t have to hide their relationship from the public if they are happy.
Future has been open himself about his love for the R&B singer, and when he’s not praising her music (and helping her create it), he’s also talking about how happy they are together. In his recent interview with Angie Martinez of Hot 97, he opened up about marrying Ciara and even got real about his recent drama with his baby mamas.
On his baby mamas, Future says the battle over child support is really just because the mothers of his children refuse to work jobs:
“You know they want more money, more money. They don’t want to work. They rather not work. They never worked around me so I guess they got comfortable.”
Future then revealed his interest in Ciara goes back to seven years ago. He claims he believes he spoke their relationship into existence because he said seven years ago before he got in the industry that he knew he would have her:
“Me and my brother were riding it had to be something like seven years. Me and Rock ,(rapper Rocko) we were riding and she was shooting a video on the curb. I was like, ‘D*mn she look good. I’ma have her one day.’ He was like ‘Man stop and say something to her.’ I was like ‘Nah, I’m not going to say something to her. I’ma be with her one day.’ But that was seven years ago and I was saying that and it ended up happening but I never met her, never listened to any of her songs, never read up on her. I’m not a stalker.
“I was caught up in my world, my life, and it ended up happening. Words are powerful.”
When asked if they will get married or if they have even set a date, Future says:
“This it. I don’t get into nothing to get out. We haven’t set a date. This the one.I said it seven years ago, so for it to come around and happen it was just meant to be. “
Check out the interview below:
It’s kind of hard for me to take him seriously when he calls out his baby mamas for not wanting to work when he’s the one that didn’t want to wear condoms multiple times. It annoys me when men complain about the women they felt were great enough a few years ago to sleep with raw as if they were trapped. No, you willingly laid down without protection.
So because he didn’t wear a condom and she didn’t take her birth control, it’s okay for her to not have a job now? Doesn’t she also have a child to support? He’s not the only one who helped make that baby, so he shouldn’t have to be the only one supporting the baby. They have to learn from their mistakes and make things RIGHT not make things WORSE.
“So because he didn’t wear a condom and she didn’t take her birth control, it’s okay for her to not have a job now?” >>> Not what I said AT ALL. It’s pretty simple. If a man doesn’t want baby mama drama, then don’t sleep with women unprotected. And Future saw first hand these women were gold diggers. He said that himself in the interview. Yet, he turned around and had kids with them. How does that make sense?
I’m a firm believer that we pick our partners and circumstances. #shrugs
I’m a firm believer that we pick our partners and circumstances (most of the times).
Ok. That’s better.
That’s not what Heather meant. She’s saying don’t sit here and complain about problems you had a role in creating for yourself. Future knew what kind of women he was dealing with because they were holding out their hands and always asking for money before the kids came. If they didn’t work while you were dating, why would you have kids with them? He brought this on himself, and he was foolish for not strapping it up with those (I think he has 3) baby mamas. So I’m with Heather, I don’t want to hear your complaints now.
Very good point.
Well if they are trying to get married, Ciara better hope Future stays hot because her career is over.
Is this all they are going to talk about in their interviews now?
Ciara needs to be worried about her career. Future is doing his thing and you’re flopping boo. Get your priorities in order.
We’re still hearing more about this relationship than Ciara’s music. Sad.
I think they are really cute together. And I’m happy for them. FYI a career is cool and all, but they aren’t the most important part of life. Love is.
LOL at the shade he threw his baby mommas. He told the truth though.
Did this fool just admit to having women all over the place?! And we’re supposed to believe he’s actually faithful now? That’s laughable!
He sounds sincere. Good for them.
I guess.
Guess I’m the only one that picked up on him saying he hadn’t listened to ANY of Ciara’s songs……… That’s enough for me. *shrug* I wish them the best tho.