Kanye West Escapes Felony Charges over Latest Paparazzi Attack, Could Be Slapped with Misdemeanor

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Kanye West felony charge not happening after all? Kanye West has made it known on numerous occasions that he hates the paparazzi with a passion. In numerous lyrics, on stage rants and interviews; the rapper and producer has been vocal about his dislike for fame because of his past run ins with the paps. He also has no problems attacking paps who continue to snap pics regardless of his requests to not take pictures, and he has gone as far as to attack nearby paps just for talking to him, something he now no longer tolerates. With his hate for the paps becoming something like an obsession, the number of pap attacks by Kanye continues to increase. Recently, he went off on a nearby paparazzi at the LAX airport because they broke the golden rule and talked to him, and he ended up wrestling with said pap in an attempt to take his camera away. The pap he attacked ended up falling on the ground as a result of Kanye’s aggressive actions, and there were reports suggesting he could be slapped with felony charges. But it looks as if Kanye will get a pass just like Lamar Odom did recently, as reports are now suggesting felony charges won’t happen.

According to the LA Times, the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office on Friday declined to file felony assault charges and attempted robbery charges. According to the office, the video of the incident didn’t prove Kanye had “specific intent” to commit a robbery and the victim didn’t sustain significant enough injuries. The victim’s camera was not booked into evidence, so vandalism charges were not considered.

Kanye could possibly still be slapped with a misdemeanor though as it was confirmed that the issue has been forwarded to the LA city attorney to see if it warrants a misdemeanor charge.


  1. Kanye will get off like his future brother in law just did. I’m over Kanye. He’s nothing but a disappointment now.

  2. They won’t be satisfied until he seriously hurts someone. This man is a ticking time bomb. If you ask me all this is misguided frustration from the “Kardashian spotlight”.

  3. So basically they are telling him yet again that he can keep attacking these people. I know the paps are annoying but Kanye doesn’t have a right to assault them. Celebs get way too many passes non famous people don’t get.

  4. He won’t get charged with a damn thing and he knows it. One day he’s going to meet a pap that will deliver that much needed punch in the face. Can’t wait.

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