Deceased Actor Lee Thompson Young’s Family Confirm Past with Depression

Photo Credit: Facebook
Photo Credit: Facebook

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Former Disney star and working actor Lee Thompson Young’s death shocked a lot of people. Not only are those who worked with the deceased actor finding it hard to understand why he could have taken his own life, but even his own family members just find the whole thing a bit on the mysterious side considering absolutely no one saw it coming. As we reported recently, Young was found dead in his apartment in North Hollywood on Monday by his landlord when he never showed up to the set of his latest gig TNT’s “Rizzoli & Isles.” Officials confirmed to multiple press outlets that he died by what appears to be a self-inflicted gun shot wound.

Young wasn’t the typical former child star who has a past of drug abuse or numerous legal problems, and he was squeaky clean, not once getting tied to any scandals or controversies typical to those who embarked on fame as a child.

However, the fallen actor’s family did confirm to TMZ that he has struggled with “depression issues” in the past, and he actually saw several doctors to deal with the issues. Interestingly enough, they also say he showed absolutely no signs that he was still suffering from depression right before his death.

Police are also reportedly stumped by the actor’s death, and it’s being reported Young’s family has given the authorities contact information to the several doctors who treated Lee. He did not leave a suicide note, and even though he did have a diary, nothing stuck out that could explain the suicide.

His computer was also checked, and police claim so far everything they’ve searched points to nothing.


  1. I’m starting to think he was murdered. It’s rare for someone to be depressed and absolutely no one knows they are. He also had future plans of making movies with Columbus Short. A depressed person thinking of killing themselves doesn’t plan for the future and have dreams. And it’s not hard to make a gunshot would look self inflicted either. #IJS

    1. Me too! It’s just really fishy! They need to really look into this and make sure no foul play was involved!

    2. I don’t know. I think he did kill himself. Maybe the depression came back with a vengeance and the thought of going to another doctor kept him from telling his fam he was having issues again.

      1. I had a close friend who you would have never thought he was depressed. He was one of the funniest, happiest (as far as outsiders could see) and most positive person ever and one day out of the blue, he purchased a gun and shot himself in the head. It’s been almost 7 years and I still have no closure with it because I don’t understand. I often wonder if there was anything I personally could have done. It is just a really sad sad thing.

  2. I feel so bad for his family. I know they are thinking about all the ways the could have saved him. It’s hard to help depressed people. Very hard.

  3. Idk. This could go either way. I can see how he would’ve done it, and I can see how it could be suspicious. The thing about mental illness is that no one person is the same. There are “signs and symptoms” to look for that can kind of point you in a certain direction, but no one but him knows his state of mind and emotional stability, or lack thereof, prior to his death. When it comes to notes and signs, those things are typically given by people who are considering suicide, but don’t necessarily want to go through with it. It’s a cry for help so-to-speak….. There are people who are depressed and they themselves don’t even know it. We mask things and put fronts up so much that we fool ourselves sometimes….. That’s why knowledge and acceptance of self is so important. Continued prayers for his family.

  4. I am still sad days later at Lee’s death. My prayers go out to his family who are suffering the most at this loss, as well as those on the set of R&I who worked with him daily.

    I just find it so hard to accept this is suicide. I have wondered if somehow he was murdered but the fact that his family did not come out to question the coroner’s conclusion suggests they know more about his state of mind than has been shared with his fans.

    His family has asked that friends and fans make a donation to the Young Storytellers Foundation. For the first time ever, I actually I honored such a request.

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