Floyd Mayweather’s Baby Mama Takes More Shots at Floyd’s Girlfriend

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Famed boxer Floyd Mayweather remains undefeated and confidently stands at the top of the boxing game, but his personal life has always been a lot more complicated. Floyd has been dating Shantel Jackson for quite some time now and they even ended up getting engaged, but rumors suggested months ago that the couple had called it quits. Floyd gave the rumors more life when he took photos of her shoes and bags and said they were for sale on his Instagram account, and then there was that little rumor that claimed Shantel had done a little dirt herself and was cheating on the boxing champion. And when their relationship isn’t messy, things between Shantel and Floyd’s baby mama Josie Harris are even more ratchet.

Recently, Josie took to Instagram to post that she was still sleeping with Floyd and she even provided photographic evidence. Shantel clapped back by posting a photo of her massive walk in closet that was a gift from Floyd before Josie eventually deleted the photo that caused all the drama. And although things between Floyd and Shantel appeared to be over, she sat front and center at his most recent match against Saul “Canelo” Alvarez.

Josie is not happy Shantel appears to be back in the picture and she hit up TMZ and told them she was furious that a clothing designer made a dress for her daughter identical to the one Shantel wore to the match. In the midst of complaining that the dress was too grown for her 10-year-old daughter to be wearing, she also slammed Shantel for popping back up in the picture just days before Floyd got his $44 million check. She says:

“She is a total gold digger … She conveniently came back around 2 days before Floyd got his $41.5 million check.”



We’re not really surprised Shantel is back in the picture considering she was just saying months ago how she’s totally okay with Floyd sleeping with other women.

Anyway, here’s a photo of Floyd and Josie’s daughter Jirah in the dress that caused all the ruckus:


dress drama
Instagram/Urban Belle


As far as the dress is concerned, the designer Michael Costello from Project Runway says Josie should have paid more than $795 if she wanted her daughter to rock an exclusive dress.


  1. Josie girl please move on. It doesn’t matter if Shantel is a gold digger or not, Floyd wants her around anyway. Get some dignity and stop sleeping with that man. Move on!

  2. Both of these women are fools. They are only holding on because Floyd is rich, both of them. Josie calls Shantel a gold digger but she has photos of herself chilling in first class on Floyd’s dime. Girl please.

  3. Yeah that dress is a little bit too grown for her. But Josie was just looking for a reason to trash Shantel. She will never move on with her life and that’s so incredibly sad.

  4. Josie biggest concern should be why did he design a grown woman dress for a child. Little girls SHOULD NOT be wearing grown woman clothing. Michael Costello shouldn’t have made the same dress for both woman and child. Seems like Ms. Jackson might have instigated this twin look as a way to take a shot at Harris. Messy!

  5. Josie is still at it? Time for her to stop sleeping with Floyd and move on with her life. She’s weak for still sleeping with him too. Let Shantel have him since all she requires is for her bills to be paid.

  6. Please tell me how Shantel is not considered a prostitute. She doesn’t require Floyd to be faithful but only that her keeps giving he money and things?

  7. I watched the short lived reality show “Starter Wives” and Josie was a hot unlikable mess then and apparently now. Josie, grow up and move on. The best revenge in life is living well. Get a clue.

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