Adrian Peterson’s Baby Mama Says He is a Deadbeat Dad to Multiple Kids? (Update)

Photo Credit: Mike Morbeck/Twitter/Urban Belle
Photo Credit: Mike Morbeck/Twitter/Urban Belle

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

NFL star Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings has been in the media plenty since it was confirmed his two-year-old son was in critical condition after his mother’s boyfriend severely beat him. Things took an even more tragic turn after the child passed away but reports suggested things were a lot more complicated as far as the professional athlete is concerned. According to various sources, Adrian Peterson just learned he was the child’s father a few months ago, and although he made plans to visit the child later this month, he would end up seeing him for the first time while he was on life support. Apparently the athlete did take a DNA test a few months ago to confirm the paternity of the child, but it was originally thought that another man by the name of Bobby Ruffin was the child’s father up until the DNA test. Ruffin claims he raised the child.

The police confirmed to the press that the child’s killer  Joseph Patterson’s relationship with the child’s mother was “fairly recent” and he had just moved in with them before the incident took place. However, records show that Patterson has a past of abusing women and children, and an ex-girlfriend told police that not only did he threaten to kill her on multiple occasions, but he was violent towards her three-year-old son.

Adrian Peterson became the target of criticism after he confirmed that he would play last week’s game and some felt it was insensitive of him to step back on the football field so soon after losing his son. But Adrian defended his choice and said it was his way of grieving, and he’s opted to play after other heartbreaking situations in his life to cope.

Interestingly enough, a woman has been going off on Twitter and she claims she is the mother to Adrian’s oldest son and she says he is a terrible father who picks and chooses which kids he wants to have a relationship with. Read the tweets from bottom to top:

ap baby mama twitter 6

ap baby mama twitter 5

ap baby mama twitter 4

ap baby mama twitter 3

ap baby mama twitter 2

adrian peterson baby mama twitter


Adrian’s camp hasn’t said a word yet about these tweets, but we have a feeling this is about to blow up pretty soon.

UPDATE: We found some photos on her Instagram page of her son and Adrian spending time together. We’ve added a couple of them below:

ap baby mama ig 2

ap baby mama ig


  1. ummmmm ok lady…has anyone confirmed if she really has a child by AD? this seems like a rant that has more to do with her and her feelings than the loss of an innocent child.

  2. I don’t know if she’s telling the truth or not but I keep hearing this from multiple people. Adrian better say something before this gets out of control.

  3. She probably thought having his baby would mean she gets to live the life. These women better stop sleeping with these athletes and popping out babies just because they think it’s a payday. That’s not a guarantee.

  4. Why put this on Twitter? Because she’s mad he’s not being the dad she THOUGHT he would be? Maybe if women stop screwing these dudes without condoms before they get to know them there would be less of this. And if he’s a bad dad, he deserves the karma coming this way. But I still hold the child’s mom responsible as well for her son being killed. She had a duty to protect her child and she didn’t.

  5. Girl please. You and the other chick are just as messy as AP is. Does no one wear condoms anymore or get to know people before they have kids together? Smdh.

  6. He’s a cute little boy. Adrian needs to get it together. I think this is going to blow up and he will have no choice but to face his demons.

  7. Some men with money feel like all they have to do is throw money to the mom and that’s it. Adrian’s dad wasn’t around much because he was in jail and now he’s continuing the cycle like an idiot. Just sad.

  8. This is such a crazy situation. But I knew people were going to start putting him on blast because there has been rumors for years that AP is a rolling stone. He better call his publicist. LOL.

  9. People are so quick to always judge the woman. This woman on twitter is a woman that is pissed that her son and his siblings get the short end of the stick when he is being praised and coddled for not being a part of their children’s lives. Everyone makes mistakes, including women, so how do we put her on blast for not wearing a condom. Yes protection should have been involved but who’s p-nis is it. He knows that he having unprotected sex with multiple people and he chooses to continue. Yes we as women can enforce it but guess what. No matter what lapse in judgment was made when those children were conceived, the women are stepping up and taking care of his children. AD on the other hand gets to spread his seed wide & far with no consequences or responsibility. It’s amazing how when a man dates, marries or one night stands a woman and something happems which leaves her to speak out, she is after a payday. How bout no one knew anything about this woman or her 4 year old son & he ewas a deadbeat all this time. If she was out for a payday I am sure child support would have been on the table. He probably would have paid her off. But I guess that would have been her fault too.

  10. Wear a condom next time. Not every athlete will be a good father. Most of them aren’t. I guess she doesn’t read TMZ. If we vetted men more before we had their babies just because they have money, there would be a lot less of this. I’m not sure why it’s so hard to understand. Men will only do what we allow. Get to know a man and what kind of father he will be before you have kids. Just because he’s an athlete doesn’t mean anything.

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