Photo Credit: Facebook/CVS
By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
It’s been all about Kimye for the last 24 hours considering the high-profile celebrity couple revealed to the world that they are officially engaged. Kanye proposed in a grand fashion and rented out the San Francisco AT&T Park and proposed to his reality star girlfriend Kim Kardashian with the aid of a 50 piece orchestra, fireworks and loved ones. It didn’t take long before photos and videos of the big moment made their way to social media, and the rapper even made sure he asked for his lady’s hand in marriage with the help of the stadium’s jumbo screen.
Kim recently took to her Instagram account to show off her ring and give fans an up close and personal view of the 15-carat rock designed by the same woman who designed her last engagement ring which she got from ex husband Kris Humphries, and now she’s spoken out for the first time about how she feels about the big night for her and Kanye.
She exclusively tells E! News:
“Last night was truly magical!!! I am the luckiest girl in the world! I get to marry my best friend!”
Kanye has always been vocal about his love for his boo Kim and just hours before he proposed, he told San Francisco radio station 106 KMEL that besides his mother, he’s never loved another woman more:
“I have never loved any girl other than my mother as much as I love my girlfriend. And I’m so happy to be with her, for us to live this life together. And with our relationship with God to be able to live forever in heaven together, too. And also to raise a family, a strong family…She’s been spending her whole check on clothes since she was 16, just like me. And that’s the reason why both of us are the most influential…I think me and my girl are extremely influential greatly due to the paparazzi.”
Check out the video below:
In related news, video of the proposal has gone viral. Check it out below and watch more clips from the romantic night on MixBit:
I’m starting to feel like this is just another stunt to keep both of their names in the news everyday. Can’t front. It worked.
He talks about Kim like she’s a business deal or something. Like who mentions the person they love and influencing the paparazzi in the same breath?
Kanye wants to be like Jay and Bey. But he missed the fact that they actually do love each other and enjoy keeping things private.
Oh good grief. I cannot take these two seriously. It’s like Kanye only wanted her because of what she looked like and the fact that she’s a huge reality star. He wants them to be looked at as some kind of power couple. Good luck with that Ye.
The proposal was very nice. I still don’t see them lasting. And how many times have we heard Kim say the same thing about her past husbands/boyfriends? She’s ridiculous.
I’m pretty sure Kim said the same thing about Kris Humphries. She also called Reggie Bush her “best friend” too and turned around and cheated on him. Smdh.
These two are made for each other. Only Kanye thinks what Kim did to get where she is commendable. They are both trifling cheaters who mistreated the people that helped them get where they are and they both live for attention and are very materialistic. They deserve each other.
I know I can’t be the only one who caught those KUWTK cameras rolling in the background. Typical.
Yes! It will be shown on the show. I think they did this for tv. Kim stated she didn’t want to get married when she divorced Kris. The way kanye proposed, put her on the spot. We shall see the outcome.
Kanye’s ego is going to be his downfall. I truly believe he thinks Kim or those Kardashians would never screw him over. In the end this kind of thinking is why Kim will get child support, alimony, half his assets and have him looking like a fool. Why did they choose to share this special moment with the world? In my opinion it was too special for the world to see.That moment should be cherished and shared by family and friends I would think but we are dealing with attention whores. So Ye can’t get mad when his privacy is invaded because they opened the door for this. They share everything and people feel entitled to know everything even when they shouldn’t.
Girl I agree. They shared this because both of them need the attention. Kanye’s album and tour aren’t selling well & Kim’s reality show is tanking.
LOL Kim just reused the same exact statement she sent E! after Kris proposed. This girl has no shame.
Kanye just needs to make sure he gets a prenup. But he’s a sap for this chick, so he won’t. People think she’s not a gold digger because she has her own money, but that line from Lil Kim “Why spend mine, when I can spend yours?” pretty much sums up how this whole thing will play out.
Kanye predicted his whole life with that Gold Digger song. Oh the irony.
Very nice proposal. I’m happy for them.
Kim sure has had a lot of “best friends.” *sips tea*
OMG I love them!!!
When it’s all said and done, Kim will have been married at least 5 times. Watch.
I guess.
Kanye had me until he started talking about her spending her whole check on clothes. The statement started off really heartfelt and sincere…and for a moment, I believed him. I sort of still believe him, but I can’t help but question certain parts because of what his foundation for validating their relationship was. Because both of y’all spend a grip on clothes? The paparazzi? C’mon son. They both need to stop giving interviews and just live a little. Let their longevity (I’m being optimistic here) speak for itself.
Some people are so negative why can’t for once see the best out of this two,no man this is being jealous Kim and Kanye love each other and this is not about them wanting to be on front pages its just a coincidence that their lives revolves around the cameras.instead of you saying nasty staff why don’t you pray for their relationship to work. I wish them an everlasting love n hope god be with them and guide them thru everything they do.congrats kimye
So he loves her because she stays calling the paparazzi? Publicity stunt. Notice how Bey & Jay didn’t put out photos or videos of their proposal or wedding? That’s because they are a REAL couple. I’m sure all of this staged BS will be on her show. Yawn. Can we get more posts on REAL couples please? These two are fake and boring.
Kanye does not really love that girl because if he did then why in the hell I’d he trying to turn her into Beyonce he only doing all of this just to be like Jay Z and Beyonce. He secretly wants Beyonce, not Kim.
Women kill me always talking about marrying their best friend. GTFOH with that!
This is one sickening couple. Every time you turn around they are on TV, the Internet or a magazine. He so is sprung over her that it makes me want to vomit. You can love someone, but he takes it to a ridiculous level.