By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The last time we heard from Omarosa Manigault, she was glowing and incredibly happy to announce her new romance with her wrestler boo Titus O’Neil. But it appears Omarosa is back to being her controversial self, and there’s a lot of outraged people calling her out for her recent comments about white women. The reality star and business woman made an recent appearance on Bethenny Frankel’s talk show and it was an explosive experience for both ladies. It’s no secret that neither can stand each other, but some are saying Betheeny’s ratings are so horrible that she resorted to calling up someone she absolutely despises to draw buzz to her show. Looks like her plan worked because people are still talking about Wednesday’s big showdown. However, Omarosa is being labeled as a racist for what she said about white women. She told Bethenny:
“It’s different for you and I. I am an African-American woman. You get to walk around and be mediocre and you still get rewarded with things. We have to be exceptional to get anything in this business.”
While the comment was more so a jab at Bethenny, many white women were outraged by Omarosa’s comment. But we have to ask, do you think Omarosa said the truth? Do you think black women have to work harder to have successful careers than our white counterparts? Or do you think Omarosa’s and others with this view are just playing the race card? Speak on it below.
Can’t stand her but she said the truth. I know I deal with this first hand in corporate america and sometimes it makes me angry. But when we say this, they are so quick to say we’re being racist. Hilarious!
They pull that whole racist card when we tell the truth and they can’t stand it. Black people can never be racist. We are not in the position of superiority. But I do know there’s some truth to what Omarosa said. It’s a reality people don’t like to speak about.
“Black people can never be racist. We are not in the position of superiority. ” GIRL I could give you a huge hug for this! Thank you!
I’d like to add that since black people are not in the position of power, those that are should stop trying to pretend they are the ones being oppressed. It’s insulting.
@ The Truth, Realness, Reality Check
Thank you!!!!
I see a couple of you have been reading books. LOL. No black people cannot technically be racist. It’s a lie whites use to keep us in our place and make us afraid to speak the truth. Blacks have never been in the position of power and whites have NEVER been oppressed. We can’t hold them back. But some of our black counterparts don’t seem to understand that…anyway, I agree with Omarosa. It is what it is.
the truth..one of my friends tried to explain this concept on FB and got completely blasted for it. Knowledge is power and this is a very accurate statement!
Although I agree with Omarosa….I have to say that I have heard that comment about black people not being able to be racist. I believe that even though we do not have the power we do have the ability to be just as ignorant as a “racist.” We are human just like the rest of the world; there are no exceptions here. Let’s not go down that dangerous path…..
Good point.
Truth!!!! I’m still trying to understand how some of them even get their management positions and they have no leadership skills! Not fair!
That’s how I feel about my manager. I swear I do all the work and she just goes on long lunches and gossips all day to her “friends.” Annoys the hell out of me.
@Barbee we must work for the same company!
I agree but if anything this is a major reason for more of us to start creating our own businesses. If you don’t like your boss become your own.
I’m definitely working on it.
I agree 100%. Working on it currently!
Omarosa is a disgrace to all black women and she does not speak for me.
Truth! They can deny it all they want to but I know what I see everyday at work. I just try to keep telling myself that I can handle it but the truth is it makes me mad as hell. I just pray I win the lottery one day. LOL.
And they cause the MOST drama at work. Not all of them but enough of them. I got a few now that make me hate my job with a passion. They are always starting some mess.
She needs to shut up for once in her life. I’m sure she was a major b-tch to work with anyway.
I disagree. I think there will always be some women regardless of race that will be lazy and not work as had as others! Women can either succeed by sex or our brains. The choice is ours. 🙂
Omarosa is always trying to speak for black women but look how she acts on TV. Please stop Omarosa. I don’t want you speaking for me. LOL.
What she said is true. It’s offensive though because it sounds like we’re putting down white women. But the truth is even studies show blacks have it harder in the workplace than any other race. We have to really work hard to succeed.
Sometimes, holding the mirror for someone often times will reveal deep scars and wounds.
yes it always been harder for us.. that is true. Omarosa amongst other women on tv dont speak for us… why did she bother to say this- it’s not going to change the way things are.
I can’t stand Omarosa but she is speaking the truth and what she is referring to is white privilege. White privilege is real. These stupid white women can miss me with the outrage because if black women ain’t complaining and all we go through they can have a stadium of seats.
Oh and don’t try to speak up for yourself or show any kind of strength. Then they will say you have an attitude and you’re an angry black woman. SMH!
This absolutely the truth!
I agree with Omarosa. Blacks have always had to go above and beyond to be accepted by whites and to achieve success. Almost all blacks have to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps to be something.
Sorry Omarosa can’t represent because she acts like a JACK A– publicly !!!!!
I think that Omarosa is spot on. This is why it’s imperative for black men and women to start our own businesses. Black Wall Street in Greenwood OK was REAL and we ran it and ran it well. It can be done again if we’re not afraid.
I am one that always tries to see a situation from both sides of the coin. To me, the comment was spot on! I am a black woman who works in corporate america. It’s like a attempted crucifixion daily. No lie.
This is nothing new. This has been going on for years…..
Please don’t lump Omarosa into the same category as “others with this view.” I do believe that black women have to work harder to be successful than white women in America today. As a general rule, that seems obvious to me. But that doesn’t mean that Omarosa isn’t cynically manipulating that reality to cover up for her own hideous personal failings. Omarosa is the sort of narcissistic ego-monster who responds to every little criticism, real or perceived, by lashing out and accusing her enemies of all sorts of malicious things, including racism. Don’t forget that this is the woman who accused Ereka Vetrini of being racist and of trying to tear down strong black women because Ereka used the old turn of phrase “the pot calling the kettle black.”
Omarosa cheapens a real problem when she cynically twists it to deflect attention away from her own deep, personal, individual ugliness. She only gives ammunition to people who want to deny systemic inequalities and to reject all such claims as nothing more than “playing the race card.”
“Heroes” like Omarosa are actually our worst enemies.