By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
One would think George Zimmerman would want to stay out of the spotlight since he was found innocent of the murder of Trayvon Martin, but that hasn’t been the case for the slain teen’s killer. Instead, Zimmerman was recently arrested for a domestic violence incident involving his estranged wife Shelly Zimmerman, but charges were not filed after he was released from custody. The former couple is in the middle of a nasty divorce, but now his new girlfriend is accusing him of domestic violence as well.
According to the Orlando Sentinel, Zimmerman was arrested earlier today and it’s being reported that his current girlfriend is accusing him of domestic violence.
Cops are not releasing all of the details as of now, but the police arrested Zimmerman after being called for a disturbance in Orlando, Florida early Monday afternoon.
Story developing.
Update: The Seminole County’s Office just held a press conference and confirmed that George Zimemrman’s new girlfriend has accused him of pointing a double barrel shotgun at her and pushing her out of the house. She says he then allegedly barricaded the front door with furniture. Earlier reports also suggested she’s pregnant, but the Seminole County Sheriff says she’s not. But she allegedly told the 911 dispatcher that she is expecting.
George Zimmerman has been charged with aggravated assault, battery domestic violence and criminal mischief.
Check out his new mugshot below:
I can’t…
This man keeps getting in trouble because he did something that was wrong and he will never live a peaceful life because of it.
Agreed. He thought he got off but God sees all.
If this isn’t a sign that this man should have been sent to jail I don’t know what is.
Ladies and gents…meet the latino OJ Simpson.
Karma. Next post please.
What an idiot.
I’m sure his daddy is thinking of a way to get him out of this one too.
I would like to hear what the Zimmerman supporters and what the jury have to say about another arrest.
They just need to let his spoiled behind stay in jail. He’s just going to get arrested again because he’s meant to be there.
Why won’t they just let him stay there?!
Karma might as well be written across this man’s forehead.
Look at God.
I hope the jurors feel real stupid right now.
But they ARE stupid.
This man just cannot sit down can he?
He’s really validating Trayvon’s supporters. LOL.
Didn’t his lawyer dump him too? Lmbo.
Fool, He will have his day in prison.
So he’s still pointing guns at people. Throw this man under the jail!
Well his parents kept bailing him out when he did the terrible things he’s done. That’s why he can’t stay out of trouble now. Deep down inside he thinks he will always be saved by his parents.
But they said Trayvon was the thug? Oh the irony.
Didn’t he pull a gun out on his wife a few weeks ago too? This POS has not learned a thing from what happened with Trayvon.
He’s going to end up killing someone else. Watch.
He sure is.
And this is who they wanted to call a hero? Smh.
I don’t think this is karma….. This is the result of our “justice” system. He played the role he had to in order to get off… He’s even started back shaving his head, which paints a totally different picture than when he was on trial. This is ignorance. George Zimmerman feels invincible. Like he’s incapable of being punished. He’s blatant in his actions of threatening and harming others, and I feel the only reason Trayvon was killed is because he fought back, and because he was black. The fact that he can be threatening to those he “loves” makes his actions toward Trayvon of no surprise to me. What pisses me off about his repeated offenses is that it’s a constant reminder that the justice system failed Trayvon and anybody else that’ll cross paths with this criminal. The whole idea is to get these type of people off the streets right? George Zimmerman is sleeping fine. He is who he is. The jury tho? Trayvon’s defense team? I’m sure it’s a different story for them and their peace of mind. They failed.