Rihanna Officially Hits 10 Million U.S. Album Sales

Photo Credit: YouTube
Photo Credit: YouTube

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Fresh from wrapping up her widely successful Diamonds World Tour, Rihanna continues to rack in the accomplishments. Just days after the American Music Awards confirmed the singer would be receiving the first ever Icon Award and it was confirmed that Rihanna brought in the most money tour wise this year; it’s now been confirmed that Rihanna has hit yet another landmark when it comes to album sales.

According to Billboard, the singer has officially hit the 10 million mark in US album sales. As of now, her total album sales is 10,001,000.

Rihanna’s last studio album “Unapologetic” sold 1.113 million copies and her most successful album to date is “Good Girl Gone Bad,” which sold around 2.8 million. That album was released in 2007. “Unapologetic,” however, is the singer’s first and only number one album.

Billboard sums up the rest of Rihanna’s album sales as follows:

Here’s a look at the sales of Rihanna’s other studio albums: “Music of the Sun” (released in 2005; 609,000 sold), “A Girl Like Me” (2006; 1.349 million), “Rated R” (2009; 1.110 million) and “Loud” (2010; 1.761 million).


  1. Rihanna is a singles artist. She mostly sells singles, not full albums. Why? Because her music isn’t worth buying a full album. Meanwhile, Adele sold 10 million in the US with one album. So I hope Beyonce pays attention to this and puts out a album with some great music and doesn’t fall for the singles hype.

  2. Don’t hate people. The music industry has changed and people don’t buy albums like that anymore. This is something to be proud of. That reign won’t let up.

    1. Lies. Adele sold ten million copies of 21 in the US. And she didn’t have to be “controversial” to do it. It can still be done.

  3. So all that twerking and staying naked doesn’t work so much after all…She should have sold way more albums than this considering they are trying to call her a damn icon.

  4. But who actually listens to an entire Rihanna album? I know I sure don’t. But her singles be on point.

  5. This is more proof that artists can’t just depend on gimmicks to sells albums. It does not work. Talent and good music trumps everything.

  6. The way her stans talk about her and disrespect other singers while they praise her, you would have thought she sold way more.

  7. You guys are very self hating, ( not even talking about Rihanna) but yall bigger haters than the people who comment on Yahoo.. Any who Beyonce sold a little over 13 million in the US, so what is the hate for???

    Get your life, so what if she twerk? She dances like that because it is apart of her culture. The girl make hit songs, and they are not all ratchet.

    Beyonce has made some ratchet songs as well…

    Please stop the hate.. Beyonce album coming soon, can’t wait

    P.S I am not a hater… I love everyone success.

    1. OVER 13 million albums alone, with FOUR albums. And she’s sold many more with Destiny’s Child. Don’t bring up Bey in this conversation please because people don’t care for Rihanna. That’s their right. You Rihanna fans can’t keep Bey’s name out your mouth, yet you claim she’s better. Hilarious.

    2. I think you need to pick up a dictionary. Self-hating means we hate ourselves and being black, etc. We simply don’t care for, or as you might say “hate” Rihanna. We’re not 14 year olds who get excited by gimmicks. It’s not that serious. Get worked up over something that really matters next time.

    3. LOL! So that’s even worse. That means it took Rihanna like 7 albums and 8 years to sell ten million albums. Meanwhile it took Beyonce like three albums and about 4 years. LMAO!!!!!

    4. You’re so dramatic. I can tell you’re just in your feelings because you like Rihanna OR you don’t visit a lot of blogs. These comments are not the worst out there trust. I come on here BECAUSE the comments are tame. We can’t even curse on here or argue without being moderated. And you’re the only Rihanna fan on here that got this upset. People don’t have to like Rihanna or be happy for her. It’s a free country. You can go to a fan site if you’re that pressed.

  8. I will admit I don’t like Rihanna, but I honestly thought she sold more than that. Her fans are confusing, you’ll ride so hard for her and go to her concerts only to complain about the lack of entertainment, but wont pay for the same lackluster music you’re begging her to actually sing at the concert???

  9. She sucks. Can we start reading about more talented people like Sevyn Streeter, Jennifer Hudson, etc? I’m tired of her and there’s better people we can read about on here. Just sayin.

  10. Well considering they are giving her the Icon Award, I thought she sold way more albums. It’s kind of sad that it took her so long. lol

  11. As much as her fans hype her up and say she’s better than Beyoncé, this is not impressive. Bey did this with three albums, it took Rihanna seven.

  12. Like I sad you guys hate on every article about this girl.

    I am not a Rih Rih fan, I never brought her albums, I only know the songs that are played on radio.
    What you guys are doing is beyond hating. Why not say, She’s winning but she’s not better than Beyonce. She has a lot of fans but she need to be more early for her concerts.You guys are outright hating on everything this girl have done… I wish it was mandatory for sites to verify your financill and living situation along with a picture… I will be the only person on her commenting, you guys will be to ashamed to face real .. you know what…

    The same thing ya’ll did with Whitney and Michael. The hate need to stop. PERIOD.. Her sales are not impressive to whom? YOU the haters?

    1. Ok I am a Rihanna fan and I can say you’re doing the most. Some people on here love Rih, some hate her. It is what it is. You need to calm down and get a life. I may not agree with everyone on here about Rih but personal attacks is beyond weak to me. You don’t know what people on here have or how much money they make. You’re doing the same thing you claim the commentators are doing. It’s a blog. Get your weak a-s out of here.

      1. LOL! Oh snap. That’s why we love you. You may stan for Rihanna, but you’re alright with me. Smooches!

    2. Jesus please go away. Even the regular Rihanna fans think you’re too over the top with your comments. That says a lot.

  13. Get Busy?
    Personal attacks, which is what you are doing…..Every post about this girl the same person say the same thing.. lol that’s weak… Girl Bye… Get Busy??? lol

    1. Yes, my screen name is Get Busy. Unlike yourself, I don’t switch up my names on here because I’m a weak coward. Nor do I get all emotional when people diss my fave because I know she’s still winning. Problem?

    2. And trust me, calling you weak wasn’t a personal attack. It was an accurate observation. Notice how you’re the only one who got in your feelings on this post. Bringing up MJ and Whitney. The phuck? Get out of here. You’re an embarrassment to all Navy. Please stan for someone else.

  14. UB I vote that we chill out on the Rihanna posts…some people are getting too emotional. It’s ruining the comment section on here.

  15. As I said before I am not a Rih Rih fan. Calling me weak is a bully tactic .. I called you hater because I actually witness you hating…Are you famous, I may want to file a lawsuit against you… lol ….I got nothing but luv ya SISTA…..

    1. So then what are you then for calling everyone on here broke? What was that? Was that not hating? Was that not talking down to the people on this site? You’re not the sharpest tool in the tool shed you hypocrite. You can call me a bully for stating the truth about you. It only strengthens my point. And yes, you are a Rihanna fan. I’m sure you probably do this using a different name on other Rihanna posts. Again, please stan for someone else. The navy isn’t for weaklings.

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