By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Porsha and Kordell Stewart’s marriage will be officially over in a couple of weeks, but it looks like Porsha isn’t done throwing jabs her husband’s way on “Real Housewives of Atlanta.” She called Kordell a “queen” after she discovered he threw her wedding dress in a box and got it dirty in the process, and it now looks like Porsha may be getting even by moving on.
In today’s episode of Steve Harvey, Steve will help Porsha find the man of her dreams. The reality star says she’s now ready to start dating and she’s decided to use Steve’s show to find the right man.
In a few video clips posted, Porsha asks the potential dates numerous questions to try to see who could be a fit for her. Check out the clips below:
While we won’t know who she ultimately decides to go out on a date with until the episode airs later today, it appears Kordell is still feeling some kind of way about the jabs Porsha keeps sending his way. In a recent Instagram posting, he made a reference to a “hood rat” and many have assumed he’s talking about Porsha. Check out the photo below:
Kordell later deleted the photo.
Kordell and Porsha are doing the most. Smh.
this must be a publicity stunt
Well she wasn’t a hood rat when you married her!
Kordell is basically acting like the queen Porsha said he was.
he need to be glad she even looked at him! GTFOH!
Porsha is really milking this story for everything. Chile…
This man is so annoying. He just needs to stop.
Thanks for showing everyone how much of a QUEEN you are Kordell! What kind of man does this on Instagram?
Porsha doesn’t need to date right now. She needs to be single for a while and get her mind right. But I guess she has to keep a storyline going. Smh.
Sure is @ O-La. Porsha is about to lose my vote if she doesn’t stop. She’s young, cool looking, no children, with a career ( Reality TV is consider a career now a days) she does not need throw shade his way to defend her self, Just Win..
Comments on Kordell: NONE: his actions says everything about his character
I like Porsha but I think she’s playing with fire. I don’t want her to end up being the most annoying person on the show, like Kenya was last season!
Porsha sit your a-s down! The divorce ain’t even final yet!
Both of them are getting on my nerves now. I need Kordell to stop responding to any and everything, and I need Porsha to start talking about something else. Sheesh.
How much y’all want to bet Bravo won’t bring Porsha back next season? Any takers?