By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Chelsea Handler is back at it and making some rather insensitive “jokes” at Nick Cannon’s expense.
The other day we posted about how much we loved the latest Celebrate Black Love issue of Ebony Magazine, and Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey were featured in the issue and opened up about how their marriage has stayed strong for over five years.
Comedian Chelsea Handler seems to think it was all hilarious though and she seems to think Nick Cannon was behaving like a “white boy” for openly praising his own wife and showing her affection.
On her show, she says:
“No, I don’t know about this kind of black love. He’s acting like a white boy. He talks about how … he knew that Mariah and him were going to be together, when, he said, ‘I found out that she was spiritual and that really…[giggles]
“I don’t want to start another feud with Nick Cannon!Because I had a feud with him last year that he started and I didn’t really know we were in and that really knocked the bottom out of me.”
She then came for Mariah Carey:
“How do you claim to be a spiritual person if you’ve been photographed on a treadmill in high heels?”
Nick clapped back on Twitter (read tweets from bottom to top):
This isn’t the first time Nick and Chelsea have gotten into it. In their last Twitter beef back in 2010, she basically called him unfunny on the social media site and he then responded by calling her out for allegedly sleeping with a E! producer to secure her own show.
This cracked out bish has NEVER been funny to me. She’s just a racist heffa that got on because she most likely slept with the right executive. I can’t stand her.
She did, and he was married. Yet she the same one trying to shade Angie at every damn step! FOH!!!
So Nick is acting white because he has no problems talking about why he loves his WIFE? Chelsea is such a hateful troll and I still question how she got her own show because she’s not even funny. Racist pig. I’ll never forget when she called Serena a monkey.
She didn’t call her a monkey but she said she didn’t know what “it” was when she saw her playing for the first time. Can’t stand her. How can she call anyone else ugly when she looks the way she looks? The nerve of her.
Girl I heard she called her a monkey. But that’s just as bad. She seems to have issues with black women but loves herself some black men. Oh the irony.
Handler will insult pretty much anyone who is ridiculous. And face it: Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are just that. As it goes for being a racist… she’s not. She usually makes fun of black people, true, but also asians, native americans. Any skin colour, any minority. She makes fun of jewish people and she’s one of them. She makes fun of stereotypes, of stupidity but if you get to know her material you see that she is a good and supportive person. But she won’t support people who are dumb. And she makes fun of herself more than of anyone else. So there’s also that.
Snatch that bitter broad’s wig Nick!
Has Chelsea ever been funny tho…maybe she should worry about that and not what Nick and his wife are doing.
Cancel her show already and put everyone out their misery. She has never been funny to me and she’s hideous.
It always irks the hell out of me when white people try to define blackness. How can a white person determine who’s black enough? LOL!
Thank you! Like who died and made this fool the official voice of blackness? She has no idea on what being black is even like. Girl BYE.
But who watches Chelsea’s show? *waits*
Put a muzzle on the bish already
I really don’t like Chelsea. She is always talking sideways and saying some racist stuff on her boring show. And she always comes at black women the hardest. She’s going to try the right person one day and get dragged something serious.
Once again, Chelsea’s racist side is showing. I don’t understand her obsession with black people tho. If you don’t like us, then stop worrying about what we do so much.
This is why Chelsea will never go any further than her raggedy show on E. She’s offensive, not funny and keeps burning bridges.
I don’t get the hype for this boring woman. She has never, ever made me laugh. I actually pity her because she thinks controversy is required for her to succeed and she’s too dumb to understand that successful comedians have to be likable. No one really cares for Chelsea and that’s why she won’t ever become big.
Nick bodied her.
Who is Chelsea Handler? Never heard of her.
I cannot stand this woman. She is so racist, unattractive and not funny.
Chelsea looks like she’s in her 60s. LOL!
I didn’t even know her show was still on until I googled it just now. Bloop.
Can’t stand her. She is NOT funny.