By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
A lot of you were puzzled as to why Towanda Braxton hopped on Twitter and took a jab at her brother-in-law Vincent Herbert’s tax problems, but Towanda says there’s a very good reason she shaded her sister Tamar’s husband on social media.
In fact, Towanda claims she let her anger get the best of her because some of Tamar’s fans said some pretty sick things about her kids. So she went off.
She tells Black Media Scoop:
I didn’t care that [Tamar’s fans] were attacking me, I didn’t care that they were attacking Andre, what I cared about was when they started attacking my kids. They said ‘I wish Towanda’s kids got raped and run over by a bus.’ See people didn’t see that stuff. They just saw what I wrote. So after that I have to say that was 100% out of character for Towanda to respond, but I wasn’t thinking about what was right and what was wrong at that moment I was just reacting and responding.
And how are Tamar and Towanda now? Towanda says they are back on good terms.
Sometimes weirdos can get the best of you. She has to learn how to block the idiots and not react.
Umm ok Towanda.
Yeah Tamar’s stans were out of line but that’s what block is for. And she lashed out on the wrong person. This still doesn’t explain why she threw Vince under the bus.
How does this explain shading Vince though?
It doesn’t.
Twitter is the damn devil. I can’t believe people tweet these celebs things like that.
Why does Tamar have stans? LMBO!
I still think she’s jealous. If the stan was out of line, then why not drag the stan? She took shots at Vince instead.
Anything for ratings.
Ok what the he/\ does that got to do with Vincent’s tax debt?? Sometimes its best just to shut up instead of making an a$$ out of yourself! Don’t try to cover up the jealousy
Girl that dont make no damn sense, seems to me you would have gotten ugly w/ the person saying things about your kids not Vince?! It was just as we read it, and it was taken just as you meant it! I hate that tho, reality TV and money can cause such ugliness…..hope ya’ll truly are on better footing now.