By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Kenya Moore has made a habit out of calling Porsha stupid in her confessionals, but we’re sure the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” starlet won’t be too happy with Porsha’s well thought out blog on the latest episode which featured the end of NeNe Leakes and Marlo Hampton’s friendship.
Interestingly enough, Porsha says she sees right through Kenya’s actions and she believes Kenya’s decision to encourage Marlo to confront NeNe at the “Bailey Bowl” was messy and nothing more than a plot to get under NeNe’s skin:
However, it wasn’t just a competitive battle on the field apparently; there was an emotional battle of friendships crumbling as well. I realized this when I saw Kenya, the ring leader for anything that will create drama, walking Marlo over to NeNe. The first thought that crossed my mind was why is Kenya taking Marlo to NeNe?! We all knew that NeNe was not in a good place with Marlo, and it was obvious that NeNe was avoiding Marlo all day. Why exactly she was doing that I didn’t know nor did I care. I’m very competitive, therefore I was not focused on drama. I know for a fact that there were no good intentions behind Kenya forcing those two to talk. Another time and place minus kids and family, yes, here, NO! Any who, I’m standing there and Kenya brings Marlo over to NeNe. At this point NeNe is about two feet from her younger son. So then I see Marlo going in on NeNe, chasing after her and screaming, cussing, and fussing. Well to make a long story short it looked like NeNe, who you would think would lay somebody out who acted like that with her, was running for cover. But she was going to get her son and leave the scene. My guess is she didn’t want to argue in front of him (or worse the way this group is).
Porsha then goes on to say she doesn’t know if NeNe is scared to get violent or not with Marlo, but she feels NeNe needs to keep it moving and stop feeding into the drama:
People know what they are doing and why! Most intentions come from the heart. Half of the time we know who we can trust and who we can’t. At the end of the day when someone is using you or being an “opportunist,” nine times out of ten you know it, but you allow it because you are using them as well. So don’t be surprised when it blows up! Simply dust off your Chanel and carry on with life. Most people are only around for a season, and once their purpose in your life is fulfilled, God will reveal who they are and make it easy for you to move forward and go even higher.
Of course Team Twirl isn’t pleased with Porsha’s blog.
In related news, Marlo wrote a blog on her own website about the dramatic episode and she actually spent most of it dissing NeNe’s fashion and hair choices:
I’ll never forget where I came from. It’s what keeps me grinding towards a future of bigger and better things. That’s why I became so emotional when confronting the drag queen impersonator. When I went to speak to her I genuinely wanted to express my disappointment that I hadn’t been asked to join her team with the other bridesmaids. That really hurt me. But in order to get past it, I wanted to initiate a truce. Sometimes friends have disagreements, and then they forgive and forget. I have said many times I looked up to her like a big sister and valued our relationship, so I wanted to break the ice, kiss and make up. However, when the water was thrown at me, along with the nasty attitude, I wasn’t having it! I didn’t need to kiss her a$$ because she didn’t bring me up. When she met me at my boutique I was already that girl who styled her, (on a budget) for season 2. And at the time, she was on team I.O.U, NOT team Rich!
I didn’t become a stylist yesterday. I’ve been a fashion trendsetter since I was mini Marlo and if it wasn’t for me, she’d still be rocking Dots jeans with Payless boots! No disrespect to the brands or those who wear them, but neither is known for their couture lines. I put her on and stepped her fashion game up. You’re welcomed! Why do you think she hired me to be the creative director for the wedding?
Porsha isn’t as dumb as Kenya thought obviously.
So Marlo’s ghost writer forgot that it’s “You’re welcome” and not “You’re welcomed.”
I agree with Porsha Marlo is nothing more than a ploy for Kenya to use against NeNe. Marlo please grow up life is not all about having your hair laid and the type of clothes you wear. How old is Marlo too damn old to be trying to clown someone over clothes. Pathetic!
I cannot with Marlo. For her to be in her 40s, she is sounding like a high school girl in that blog. So all you have to brag about is being stylish? That’s your one accomplishment in life, not to mention you have to sleep with rich men to wear those “stylish’ clothes too because you’re not intelligent enough to get your own coins and start a business. She has some serious issues.
I’m so over Marlo. Yes she can dress, but she is a very shallow and materialistic person.
Porsha can see right through Kenya! LOL!
NeNe will get the last laugh. That’s what Kenya and Marlo do not understand. When it’s all said and done, Marlo will still not hold a peach. NeNe will still be the highest paid housewife and she will still get more work outside of RHOA. I just read she will be on Dancing With The stars. Instead of fighting with NeNe and acting like a sociopath, Kenya needs to be getting some real work and solid TV appearances. Fighting with NeNe isn’t helping her. Everyone else has something going on except Kenya. She should get some business about herself.
TRUTH!!! And can someone please tell Kenya that begging Barbara Walters for a stint on The View to tell “her side” will never happen. Whoopi hates you girl! You will never be on that show while Whoopi still has breathe, please believe.
I cosign everything Porsha said. In fact Nene just needs to stop giving Kenya and Marlo any more attention. They are clearly using NeNe for attention and camera time. That’s how I know NeNe is still the queen bee.
It was so clear Kenya was being messy the way she and Marlo ran up on NeNe like that. It was unnecessary. If someone doesn’t want to talk to you anymore, that is their right. Just like it was Marlo’s right to “befriend” Kenya’s fake behind, it was NeNe’s right to stop dealing with her. Marlo should have just took the L and kept it cute.
Marlo no one is here for your criminal record and your crocodile tears. You will still be nothing more than a RHOA side kick. Peter will get a peach before you do.
I swear I lost some braincells reading Marlo’s blog. You mean to tell me women her age are that self absorbed and shallow? She has the concerns of a high school student.
Sigh..Marlo whatever. You put NeNe on fashion and she put you on TV on two different shows. She wins.
I’m just waiting for the epic fallout between Kenya and Marlo. Neither can get along with women for very long.
Porsha said the truth and Marlo still doesn’t get it as usual. I’d be very miserable if I was as old as she was and my only accomplishment in life was the clothes I wore.
Umm why is Marlo acting like NeNe is so much older than her? NeNe, Kenya and Marlo are all around the same damn age. They can miss me with that big sister crap.
I’m so tired of these women throwing around the word friend. None of them were friends. None of them.
So is Marlo still hooking for clothes or nah?!
I guess the young folks will say Marlo’s blog was a “read,” but I thought it was childish and pathetic. Does Marlo not have any real accomplishments in life to throw in NeNe’s face?
Marlo is so full of sh-t. The only reason people are riding with her and Kenya’s ashy a-s is because they hate how successful NeNe has become. If Kenya ever gets any success outside of RHOA, they will tear her down too. They want NeNe to hate herself and look down on herself, but she’s confident and they can’t stand it. Keep your head up NeNe! Stay focused and let these thirsty bishes die of thirst. It ain’t your job to make them relevant.
Very well spoken and thought out Porsha! Most people with a great eye can see thru the ordeal Kenya is causing. It was said previously none of the ladies from RHOA wants to appear with Kenya or Marlo. Therefore, those two work well together for that reason alone. Bravo has to create scenes for Kenya for instance; Ms. Lawrence, her aunt, father and whoever they can come up with. After Marlo came on the show as Phaedra guest and the other ladies learned of her criminal background they refused to work with her. However, Ne-Ne said she will give her the benefit of the doubt and be kind to her. Because Marlo has been called out to Ne-Ne by her friend Diana as being an opportunist, things haven’t gone well with them since then. I think Kenya is the messiest person on the show and she plays mess but then hide her hand and poor Marlo wants some camera time with anybody she can obtain it with. I don’t blame Ne-Ne for NOT allowing her son to see her in an argument but I would go Mama Joyce the next time I saw that criminal. Just be prepared and have the local polices nearby, a person with a criminal record that long has nothing to lose.
Porsha is stupid if she makes comments like that.. Kenya doesnt have to use her fist to stand up to Nene and she doesnt control who Marlo wants to be friends with.. Nene seems to have took Porsha under her wing. Another spawn for Nene.