By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The Draya and Chantel Christie beef gets even uglier? Jackie Christie’s daughter Chantel reportedly told her mother that “Basketball Wives LA” star Draya Michele’s boyfriend Orlando Scandrick dated her first, and at first it was being reported that he may have dated both ladies at the same time.
Draya took to Twitter recently to slam the gossip and she claimed Jackie and her daughter are lying just for storyline purposes.
That of course led to a Twitter beef between Draya and Chantel.
But now Chantel is saying that Draya’s boo Orlando is really gay and he’s only using Draya for a come up.
She tweets (read tweets from bottom to top):
Meanwhile Draya says that Jackie didn’t tell her what she heard about Orlando because she cared, but because she wanted camera time. Draya also says that Orlando never really liked her daughter enough for them to really date (read tweets from bottom to top):
In related news, Draya and Orlando are approaching their one year anniversary.
I can’t stand the wack chicks who are quick to call a man gay just because he didn’t choose them. Chantel needs to grow up and move on.
Thank you!
she need needs to check her dad cause he acts like he’s the b-tch in the relationship
I agree. They need to sue Jackie’s lying stupid daughter to shut her up once and for all. That dumb little bit-h is pretty bad doing anything to try and be a member of the show. If she wants to be in the movies so badly why doesn’t she just make a s-x tape and have her motber Jackie shop it around for sale. 5 minutes of fame, a little screen time and maybe a hundred dollars in her pocket. Jackie can be her managef aftef all.
Now if Orlando was really just using the relationship to get on GQ, wouldn’t he bag someone more famous than Draya?
lmbo exactly! I had to chuckle at that part!
So now he’s gay? *blank stare*
He wasn’t gay when she was trying to get on tho…seethe bish.
Why does Draya have all these birds so pressed? They hate on her like she’s Rihanna or somebody. It’s hilarious. Like they are really mad! LOL!
He’s gay now that he’s with Draya…got it.
Somebody’s mad lol.
Chantel is looking real childish right now. If he is gay, why does she care? He’s not her man. She should worry about herself and stop tweeting about a man that is no longer her concern.
They just need to go ahead and change Chantel’s name to Lawry’s.
Yet another bitter woman lying on a man’s sexuality because they can’t accept rejection.
So if his sexuality was the issue, why didn’t she tell her mom that in the first place? Maybe because she’s lying now and trying to save face.
Jackie come get your bird brained daughter.
Chantel needs more people.
If these birds didn’t go out their way to hate on Draya so much, I might have actually believed her. But nah, these chicks are pressed and jealous as hell of Draya. I can’t take nothing they say or tweet seriously.
Bitter chicks love calling a man gay just because he don’t want their a-s. Get a grip.
He wasn’t gay when she was trying to give him the c–ch!
Bitter female alert…LOL!
Chantel is just as messy as her momma. Smh.
*rolls eyes and sucks teeth* That man is not gay. Chantel can’t even get her story straight. First she said they dated and now she’s saying they didn’t date and he’s on the down low. Girl stop. Admit he wasn’t feeling you and he’s where he wants to be. He’s not the only man on the earth, stop being salty. Sheesh.
Sigh…girl bye. Can they even go a day without thinking about Draya and her man though?
All these chicks are doing is blowing up Draya’s head up even more. They have her thinking she’s really a big deal because they are so pressed.
Bitter much?
but didn’t she say on the show that she was at his house at the same time he was with Draya? Let’s wait until next week to see those text messages cause on the preview Draya was really mad when she was confronting him. And I thought he would have gave Draya a ring not some earrings. if he doesn’t make Draya more than a boo then we might have to think about what Jackie’s daughter said. Time will tell.
Chantel got her crazy from her mama! Team Draya. Chantel is the one looking for camera time/ a come up. She’ll ride her crazy moms coattails. No makeover/soft focus can fix your face Chantel…step off.lol.