By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
It was rumored recently that Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran’s on and off romance is now off again, and Karreuche confirmed she was a single woman recently on Twitter.
But let the rumor mill tell it, the couple’s now off status is all because of Rihanna, and gossip suggests Karrueche cut things off with Chris because Rihanna paid him a visit in his anger management rehab.
There’s also some people speculating that Rihanna is only spending so much time with Drake to get under Chris’ skin and Chris really hopes to win Rihanna back.
However, Chris shut down all the gossip and made it clear that it is Karrueche who will always have his heart. He tweets:
Meanwhile both still aren’t following each other on Twitter, so it appears they are still not back together, but a reunion could happen soon.
As for Rihanna and Drake, they are comfortable enough to now hold hands in public when they aren’t kissing in clubs. Check out the rumored couple holding hands in London below:
Cool just don’t get back together lol.
Chris and Kae will get most likely get back together. Smh.
Karrueche will take him back eventually. She has no backbone.
LOL what?
It’s not over with Chris and Kae. I sense a reunion is happening soon.
Lmao!!! Chris only tweeted this because he’s hot Rih is with Drake. Seethe!!!!
Drake and Rihanna are looking official…
When will Chris get that Kae is just using him?
Chris needs to stop playing ring around the roses with this woman, and just do him for a while.
I’m so sick of Chris and Kae breaking up just to get back together in a few weeks. Like enough already. Either be together or be apart and stay that way.
If you’re constantly breaking up with someone it’s probably not meant to be. IJS.
Kissed Teeth – Man Listen…
I love Chrae! I hope they get back together. 🙂
I really, really, REALLY wish Chris and Kae would both just move on permanently.
I think Chris took Kae’s loyalty for granted. He’s trying his best to get her attention now and she’s ignoring him; as she should. I mean this dude literally played her in front of the whole world and is just NOW realizing what he had? Boy Bye! Please Karrueche do not fall for it!
Kae’ iz a fool, she juxt like too play wif chris.xmh.dts blind love..teww.
Diz deir relationship eh.tewwww kid stuff’s.
SMH they’re all annoying with these pretend break ups and make ups. I believe They’re all using each other for attention at this point.