By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Are NeNe and Cynthia still friends? “Real Housewives of Atlanta” stars NeNe Leakes and Cynthia Bailey used to be thick as thieves, but Cynthia warned fans of the show before the season six premiere that they would witness them hit a rough patch in their friendship. And it appears that they will have a huge fallout because NeNe actually called Cynthia’s hubby Peter Thomas a b*tch for getting involved too much in the RHOA drama.
But it appears more may have went down at the reunion than Porsha Williams attacking Kenya Moore.
We noticed the other day that NeNe Leakes is no longer following Cynthia on Twitter. Cynthia is still following NeNe but NeNe’s recent tweet has some thinking that they may have officially ended their friendship during the reunion filming:
We also noticed that Cynthia hasn’t been promoting NeNe’s “Dancing with the Stars” gig like she did NeNe’s first week. However, she did tweet support for Kenya Moore’s recent “Celebrity Apprentice” challenge.
Cynthia even says in a trailer for tonight’s episode that she would rather not be friends with NeNe and Gregg at this point. Check it out below:
So Cynthia finally gets a backbone? Interesting.
Seems when people goes against NeNe the friendship goes too. Being friends with NeNe is a fulltime job, I’D RATHER BE UNEMPLOYED!
NeNe is always talking about who is not a real friend to her, but she wasn’t a real friend to Cynthia when she called Peter a “b” in front of everyone.
I still bet Cynthia still won’t get NeNe together in front of her face. Neither will Kenya.
Nah, both of them just have confessional and Twitter courage.
I never thought I would see the day.
Cynthia is just now trying to go against NeNe because she can now leach on Kenya and Peter for a storyline. She no longer needs NeNe. Her and Peter are the biggest opportunists on the show.
Eh, I think it’s safe to say Cynthia was never really NeNe’s friend. She was just playing her position so she could keep her spot on RHOA. Now she can depend on Peter to keep her there. Well played.
She still should have said something on the spot when NeNe said what she did. So she’s still a punk in my book.
Even though I feel like Peter deserved to be called a b-tch. I can understand why Cynthia feels the need to end the friendship because Peter is her husband and he was disrespected. The biggest issue is Peter needs to mind his business and stop being messy because he will get called more than a b-tch next time. Mark my word Cynthia will keep losing more friends/associates because of Peter unless he learns to stay in his lane Nene was wrong but so was Peter.
Cynthia will be back. LMAO
Well it’s not like NeNe didn’t tell the truth. Peter is the only husband who is always sticking his nose in women business. When he confronted Porsha twice about her marriage, it’s right then that someone should have checked him. But I’m sure the producers love how messy he is.
Cynthia will be back to kissing NeNe’s butt when Kenya turns on her yet again.
This won’t last. I see everyone teaming up to take Kenya down next season. It’s the only thing left for this cast to do. We’ve had Kenya’s introduction, her rise, and now it’s time for her downfall…just like they did NeNe. Wait for it. Next season will be her worst and the producers are already planning it now I bet. And after Kenya’s downfall, they will get rid of most of the current cast to make room for some new faces. Watch.
You’re right. They build you up to tear you down on most of these reality shows. Good points.
LOL @ NeNe saying “what I meant to say Peter is you were acting like a b*tch” like it’s any better. Hilarity!
Good for Cynthia.
Oh whatever. I expect Cynthia to be right back to being NeNe’s sidekick by next season. She has no backbone. If they aren’t cool, it’s because NeNe wanted it that way.
Cynthia is on Team Twirl now because she thinks Kenya is the new Nene. She’ll run back with her tail between her legs to Nene once Kenya crosses her. And Kenya will because she doesn’t want a real friendship with any of these ladies. She just wants drama and more camera time.
Nene needs to have a seat. She’s not a friend to anyone herself.
AMEN!! Sister you said a mouthful!!
Ugh NeNe gets on my last nerves!
Cynthia is still weak to me.
It’s about time girl!! Gotta do what’s best for you, and that “friendship” was toxic.
Nene always talking about somebody aint a good friend, but neither is she because she’s always doing sneaky underhanded mess and throwing stones too. Look how she jumped down Porsha’s throat two eps ago. Nene is full of sh*t her damn self so… Nene likes people she can make her puppets and as soon as they step outside of her box, no longer kisses her a$$ or talks sh*t back to her, then they’re not a good friend. Child please!
You are so right, Shawna. As long as you going her way then you guys are cool, but if you don’t oh well. Look how she just cut Cynthia down on the One on One with Andy. That was so hurtful of the things she said, its like you you can’t be friends with the people NeNe consider her enemies. She needs to grow up quick and in a hurry. NeNe is still back in elementary school. You can’t be friends with the people I don’t like. GROW UP PLEASE!!!
Nene is not a true friend and the relationship was toxic and so one sided. All Cynthia did was give And didn’t receive anything from Nene the giraffe. Cynthia is better off without her and we should all stop supporting Nene on anything else she does since all she does is trample on folks. Her ego needs to be checked
No one ever really dismisses the bullies. You try to get along with them as much as possible, and if that doesn’t work, you avoid them! And if that doesn’t work, leave it in the hands of your higher power! Women can be ladies and respectably disagree.
I believe Cythina enjoyed NeNe spirit., she loves her. NeNe appears to have a lot of bottom lines and Cythina was probably get bruised up from all the assumptions. Let’s face it NeNe requires a lot. Now I understand peter’s position … Peter and NeNe are friends… Friends should be able to say hey your wrong… And just because NeNe was caught up in her feelings she was not ready to see her faughts she was wrong… At Kenya event and wrong for calling Petet out his name… He was not being disrespectful to her… He was being a man by telling his friend to get herself together …. Point period blank…. A friend… NeNe was just not in a place to receive it and she got defensive. The honeymoon phase is over for Cythina she needs a friend that is a friend to her… And it is clear NeNe has a lot to prove to others….and judging everyone that is not soaring….. Some people are happy doing what they love and being around those who love them. I do not believe NeNe will ever fill that empty hole in her heart until she understand what is missing
My comment is that Nene thinks that she is better then everyone else. I think the whole show just has gotten off of track. I am a woman of age and I feel that the women of the show are very catty. I used to like Nene is ungrateful for the blessings that she have been receiving. and there are a lot of women yearn to b on television with real issues.The show is not really reality to me, reality is when your rent cannot get paid and you work your fingers to the bone and at the end of the day you are just getting by.So nene needs to stop her nasty attitude. The same people you meet going up are the same people you will damn sure meet falling down.
Ok folks here’s my take on the situation. Although I agree with most of you Nene is a bit over the top and pig headed this season, however as for the tiff between Nene and Peter I have to side with Nene. Peter is a biatch. He was in everybody’s business. A real man does not make it a point to interject everytime the RHOA is having an issue. Sorry to say Cynthia should have put Peter in his place. Cynthia needs to stop playing the victim. It’s quite obvious she’s the master mind deceptor behind Peter’s rants. Cynthia has everyone fooled into thinking she’s composed and proper at all times. The truth of the matter is Cynthia manipulates the situation to make her look helpless/ victim. This RHOA got her husband talking for her. At least Nene does her own talking. Peter needs to keep out of the RHOA business. Last I check the show was called the REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA not the REAL BIATCHA OF ATLANTA. So sad when MEN have to lower themselves to gossiping and titter tattling in women’s business just to be relevant. Peteria needs to mine his/her business.. I
I used to like NeNe, but she seems to have gotten a swollen head after her short bit of success. I still like her but she has a terrible attitude.
She also tears up the English language when she speaks. However, she is not the only one that speaks incorrectly.
Stop using the word “They” when it should be “Their”.
Say “Bridesmaids”, not “Bridemaids”(use the letter “S” where it goes)
Be as credible as you try to make yourself appear, PLEASE!!!!!