By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Lolo Jones has no qualms getting caught up in controversy for the things she says on her Twitter account, but she may have bitten off more than she could chew when she decided to take a shot at Rihanna.
Yesterday, it was confirmed that Drake will be hosting the upcoming ESPY Awards.
When Lolo learned the rapper landed the pretty important gig, she tweeted the following:
When Rihanna’s Navy made their presence known in Lolo’s mentions, hours lately she then tweeted that her controversial tweet was just a joke and she was only attempting to roast like the host does at the ESPY Awards:
No one cares about this flop athlete trying to use the Queen’s name for publicity.
Thank you.
I really don’t care for Lolo. She’s always running her mouth and she’s very overrated as far as track and field is concerned. And the only reason she got a medal from the Winter Olympics is because her teammates came through because Lord knows she choked.
Rihanna hasn’t even had that many boyfriends since she’s been famous so this was a lame joke anyway. But is Lolo still pretending to be a virgin though?
They only try to call Rihanna a hoe because she doesn’t mind doing what she wants to do. She wants to be sexy and free in her career, so because she’s single idiots will automatically label her a whore. Yet, she’s only dated 3 famous people her entire career. Let them seethe.
Lolo is just another pretty athlete who is not known for anything else but being pretty. She’s definitely not a winner. Nothing to see here.
*crosses fingers for Rihanna to clap back*
I know right.
Why do people give Lolo any attention?
I sure don’t.
Lolo is one of those people I feel black people should trade away in the racial draft.
I think Lolo got Drake confused with Kanye West.
LMAO!!!!! Yasssss!!!!
But Rihanna is an industry hoe so what’s the problem?
Receipts? Because no one can seem to back up that lie but I guess you pressed bitter failures at life need something to hold on to, huh?
You’re mistaken, this post is about Rihanna, not Kim Kardashian. Don’t let your jealousy make you pathetic.
Ummm…she not a Kardashian and really the only 3 famous guys I can tie her to is Chris Brown, Drake and the baseball dude (can’t remeber his name)…3 people over the course of YEARS doesn’t make her hoe
Uhh she only has 3 famous ex boyfriends right, so that was a fail. Drake, Chris and Matt Kemp right? #shrugs
Lame. Someone tell that bish to log off twitter for good. If she actually put as much focus into track & field like she does tweeting, maybe she wouldn’t have embarrassed herself in the summer and winter olympics.
This tweet and joke was an epic fail just like her Olympic career is
Tasteless joke.
Rihanna keeps these haters pressed. lol
I don’t understand how people can call Rihanna a hoe when she’s only dated a few people since she’s been famous. Just because she has a sexy image doesn’t mean she’s sleeping with every man in the industry. People are so stupid.
Rihanna is not a hoe. Only bitter haters call her that.
I can’t stand Lolo she makes me sick. She is mean, rude, and cocky. Just like she stood up the boy she promised to take somebody to prom then backed out. Oh then told a girl she needs to get a perm cause her hair is nappy. I’m not really a Rih fan but I would take her any day over Lolo that’s why she ain’t got no medals.
this wack bish needs to have a whole stadium of seats.
I’m not Rihanna Navy but Lolo gets on my damn nerves. She always has something to say about other people but she can’t go to the Olympics and get any medals on her own accord. Ugh.
Rest in peace to Lolo’s mentions tho.
Oh Lolo please.
Lolo Jones has a history of dissing black women on Twitter. She’s a disgusting, self hating human being.